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Tuesday, April 28, 2009
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIAApril 27, 2009 Department ofHealthCommonwealth News BureauRoom308, Main Capitol BuildingHarrisburg, PA 17120CONTACT: Stacy Kriedeman(717) 787-1783PENNSYLVANIA WORKING CLOSELY WITH FEDERAL PARTNERS TO CONTAIN IMPACT OF SWINEFLU Federal Health and Human Services Department declares a Public HealthEmergencyHARRISBURG - The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is working with federalofficials to contain the impact of an outbreak of swine flu in Mexico thatresulted in the declaration of a national public health emergency in theUnited States.The Department of Health is working to educate the public and health careproviders of recommended steps to prepare for potential cases of swineinfluenza in Pennsylvania."At this point we do not have any confirmed cases of swine influenza inPennsylvania, but we remain in constant communication with health officialsat all levels," said Health Secretary Everette James. "We are committed tokeeping our health care providers, local health agencies, and the publicinformed as this situation develops.""The federal public health emergency declaration is simply a tool that allowsfor preparation and mobilization of resources to plan for and respond to thisvirus outbreak if we begin to see cases in Pennsylvania," said PennsylvaniaEmergency Management Agency Director Robert French. "We are coordinating ouractivities closely with our federal partners and all the public health andemergency agencies across the state," said French. The Department of Health has notified health care providers acrossPennsylvania to be watchful for patients with influenza-like illness who mayhave been exposed to the new swine flu strain and to immediately inform thelocal health department of any suspected cases. The department will assistall health care providers in evaluating the patients, recommending controlmeasures, and assisting in specimen collection and testing when indicated. This notification follows confirmation of a new strain of swine influenzaA/H1N1 virus in Mexico and five locations in the U.S., including New York andOhio. To date, all U.S. cases were "mild" with only one person requiringbrief hospitalization. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, swineinfluenza A/H1N1 is a new strain of influenza that has not previously beendetected in swine or humans. The virus has also been confirmed in Canada andMexico. It is still safe to eat pork and pork products.The Department of Health provided information to all of the state's healthcare providers and hospitals late Friday regarding the swine flu, includinghow to quickly report possible cases and how to submit samples for testing.Anyone who has traveled to or from the affected areas and has a respiratoryillness should contact their health care provider or local health departmentbefore seeking health care. Swine influenza is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenzaviruses. Outbreaks of swine flu happen regularly in pigs. Before the currentoutbreak, people rarely got swine flu, and usually only if they were in veryclose proximity to infected pigs. However, during the current outbreak, thevirus is able to spread from person-to-person. Symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to those of regular or seasonalflu and include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. Some withswine flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting anddiarrhea. Although winter is over, there is still a low level of seasonalinfluenza occurring in the state. There is no vaccine available at this time, but the swine flu can be treatedwith certain antiviral drugs. Persons with swine flu are contagious for up toseven days or longer after the onset of illness, so it is important to takethe following steps to prevent spreading the virus to others:· Stay home when you are sick to avoid spreading illness to others;· Cough or sneeze into the bend of your elbow or a tissue and properlydispose of used tissues;· Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and warm wateror use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer;· Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth;· Stay healthy by eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water andgetting plenty of rest and exercise; and· Seek care if you have influenza-like illness.The CDC is asking that those individuals who have a recent history of traveland experience mild, flu-like symptoms to stay home. However, if you feelyour symptoms worsen or become severe, call or visit your health careprovider.For more information on Swine Influenza A/H1N1, contact the Department ofHealth at 1-877-PA-HEALTH or visit
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I do not blame Israel one bit should it decide to protect its people and nation. President Obama is kissing ass, as he bows to every enemy of Israel and the United States., and leaving a true friend and ally, Israel out to hang. Israel has no choice but to attack and take the offensive before its enemies strike first. Should Israel take action, I feel that Syria or Lebanon will feel the wrath first, and it could come soon, between now and May.
Please read the first link, then view the second link. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that we are all aware!!!! PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS!!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
From The Times
April 16, 2009
Egyptians hope to find Cleopatra's tomb
Cleopatra and Mark Antony were immortalised as two of history’s greatest lovers, but their final resting place has always been a mystery. Now archaeologists in Egypt are about to start excavating a site that they believe could conceal their tombs.
Above is part of an article from the Times of London, and I was reading the whole article, not one mention of Cleopatra's Hellenic lineage. The blood of Hellenism flowed through her veins, yet the world thinks that Cleopatra was strictly Egyptian.
April 16, 2009
Egyptians hope to find Cleopatra's tomb
Cleopatra and Mark Antony were immortalised as two of history’s greatest lovers, but their final resting place has always been a mystery. Now archaeologists in Egypt are about to start excavating a site that they believe could conceal their tombs.
Above is part of an article from the Times of London, and I was reading the whole article, not one mention of Cleopatra's Hellenic lineage. The blood of Hellenism flowed through her veins, yet the world thinks that Cleopatra was strictly Egyptian.
Go ahead and tell everyone you know about this effort. Just copy and paste the information below, and sent it to all of your friends.
Subject: Oil boycott working in Alabama
You Can Make a Difference.FORCE THEM TO COMPETE FOR YOUR BUSINESS!Competition keeps prices in check.
JANUARY THROUGH JUNEBoycott those who's name begin with the letters A-M.A-B-C-D-E-F-B-G-H-I-J-K-L-MAmoco, BP, Chevron, Citco, Conoco, Costco, Exxon, Mobil, Marathon, etc.]
JULY THROUGH DECEMBERBoycott those who's name begin with the letters N-Z.N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z[Petro, Phillips 66, Racetrack, Raceway, Shell, Texaco, Union 76, Walmart, etc.]
January, we start all over...
To learn more about this effort visit:
Subject: Oil boycott working in Alabama
You Can Make a Difference.FORCE THEM TO COMPETE FOR YOUR BUSINESS!Competition keeps prices in check.
JANUARY THROUGH JUNEBoycott those who's name begin with the letters A-M.A-B-C-D-E-F-B-G-H-I-J-K-L-MAmoco, BP, Chevron, Citco, Conoco, Costco, Exxon, Mobil, Marathon, etc.]
JULY THROUGH DECEMBERBoycott those who's name begin with the letters N-Z.N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z[Petro, Phillips 66, Racetrack, Raceway, Shell, Texaco, Union 76, Walmart, etc.]
January, we start all over...
To learn more about this effort visit:
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
To some I may sound like a lunatic, or a right wing extremist nut. BUT!!! Reality could set in quicker than one can imagine, and should things go a bit haywire in the next few years, just get yourselves ready with a few things. Below is a list that can help!
Water — 1 gallon per person per day (a week’s supply of water is preferable)Water purification First aid kit, freshly stockedFirst aid bookFoodGas MaskSurgical Mask(bird flu)Can opener (non-electric)Blankets or sleeping bagsPortable radio, flashlight and spare batteriesEssential medicationsExtra pair of eyeglassesExtra pair of house and car keysFire extinguisher — A-B-C typeFood, water and restraint (leash or carrier) for petsCash and changeBaby supplies: formula, bottle, pacifier, soap and baby powder, clothing, blankets, baby wipes, disposable diapers, canned food and juices.Sanitation SuppliesLarge plastic trash bags for waste; tarps and rain ponchosLarge trash cansBar soap and liquid detergentShampooToothpaste and toothbrushesFeminine hygiene suppliesToilet paperHousehold bleachSafety and ComfortSturdy shoesHeavy gloves for clearing debrisCandles and matchesLight sticksChange of clothingKnife or razor bladesGarden hose for siphoning and firefightingTentCommunication kit: paper, pens, stampsCookingPlastic knives, forks, spoonsPaper plates and cupsPaper towelsHeavy-duty aluminum foilCamping stove for outdoor cooking (caution: before using fire to cook, make sure there are no gas leaks; never use charcoal indoors)Tools and SuppliesAxe, shovel, broomAdjustable wrench for turning off gas Tool kit including a screwdriver, pliers and a hammerCoil of 1/2” ropePlastic tape, staple gun and sheeting for window replacementBicycleCity mapSmall CompassMatchesFire Starter Sticks(magnesium)
Water — 1 gallon per person per day (a week’s supply of water is preferable)Water purification First aid kit, freshly stockedFirst aid bookFoodGas MaskSurgical Mask(bird flu)Can opener (non-electric)Blankets or sleeping bagsPortable radio, flashlight and spare batteriesEssential medicationsExtra pair of eyeglassesExtra pair of house and car keysFire extinguisher — A-B-C typeFood, water and restraint (leash or carrier) for petsCash and changeBaby supplies: formula, bottle, pacifier, soap and baby powder, clothing, blankets, baby wipes, disposable diapers, canned food and juices.Sanitation SuppliesLarge plastic trash bags for waste; tarps and rain ponchosLarge trash cansBar soap and liquid detergentShampooToothpaste and toothbrushesFeminine hygiene suppliesToilet paperHousehold bleachSafety and ComfortSturdy shoesHeavy gloves for clearing debrisCandles and matchesLight sticksChange of clothingKnife or razor bladesGarden hose for siphoning and firefightingTentCommunication kit: paper, pens, stampsCookingPlastic knives, forks, spoonsPaper plates and cupsPaper towelsHeavy-duty aluminum foilCamping stove for outdoor cooking (caution: before using fire to cook, make sure there are no gas leaks; never use charcoal indoors)Tools and SuppliesAxe, shovel, broomAdjustable wrench for turning off gas Tool kit including a screwdriver, pliers and a hammerCoil of 1/2” ropePlastic tape, staple gun and sheeting for window replacementBicycleCity mapSmall CompassMatchesFire Starter Sticks(magnesium)
Monday, April 6, 2009
Millions of jobs lost today can be traced to millions of jobs raped yesterday by our elite leaders. The basic issue today is the same as it was back in the days when I first started to bring forth issues and concerns about our economy and U.S JOBS!!! Two dire problems have befallen us recently, but out of darkness light is born, so let us hope that these disasters awaken us to a new dawn.
The horror of September 11, 2001, and the present economic chaos, if not worse, are basically the result of the same derelictions. They are failure to monitor our country’s policies, as perceived throughout the rest of the world, and as they are affecting our country here at home, by our presidential administrations going back several decades. They are no less the failure in oversight on the same two counts by our Congress during the corresponding span of time.
Job losses were ordained when the Reagan Administration decreed that this country was to become a high-tech society, a service economy and was to enter the post-industrial era. Such policies drove out relatively high-paying manufacturing jobs. They were replaced by low-paying service, retail, clerical, fast-food and other non-manufacturing jobs, many of which have been literally destroyed by one or both of these calamities.
Making things (manufacturing) make sense and real jobs. Making comparatively nothing makes nonsense and perishable jobs (services). Certainly neither is without risk. However, the risk is far lower if we have jobs making things for our own use and consumption, then for sale to the export market.
As it stands, however, we can not make even some of the products that are needed to prosecute the war against terrorism. Being unable to supply our military totally from our own shores is just plain dangerous for our defense, not to mention damaging to our real jobs availability (relatively high-paying jobs).
Should we depend upon former, as well as potential enemies for some of the means necessary to protect ourselves because we no longer can or make these products ? I don’t think so.
China and Russia, as well as others of similar stripes don’t exactly inspire great confidence as suppliers of critical materials for our future peace and well-being. With apologies to our State and Commerce Departments, convoluted logic often turns out to be less than logical. To put it another way, when you go up a busy one-way street that is supposed to be down only, it does not really matter which side of the street you use. Generally there is one result---CRASH!!
Back to the Reagan years, President Reagan did many important things for this country, such as furthering development, restoring patriotism, rebuilding our defense capability, facing down the Soviet Union, rejuvenating our faith in ourselves as a nation and more. HOWEVER! From the standpoint of real jobs for the American people and maintaining our essential manufacturing base, here are a few questions that were posed to his administration which met with disturbing replies or no answers at all. These are not verbatim answers, but they are the essence of responses from that administration.
These questions were posed a little more than twenty years ago. What we have seen since is many people working two or three jobs to keep families going on a desperate survival basis. NAFTA, under the Clinton administration, siphoned more and more jobs out of the country. Job “globalization” under the Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II administrations compounded the job losses like a jet vacuum cleaner sucking sand from the ocean floor. More of the same is to come from another free trade agreement covering the entire Western Hemisphere unless it is stopped.
So, what was set in motion decades ago, tragically has come to pass. Real jobs in too great numbers have disappeared, cheap (non-manufacturing) jobs have swelled. Low and moderate income people have been hurt severely. Wall Street, corporations, and people in their upper ranks, along with people who had money to “invest” or to risk, did very well, (since they had the inside track). On the other hand, those who were not privileged to have an inside track, took a bath on the “old economy”, and were blown away by the dot coms of the new economy. The players continue to play and make lots of money, and it does not matter if the markets go up or down, or mergers and acquisitions and bankruptcies occur they still strike it rich. These same people buy solid enterprises cheaply, because such companies have gotten into cash trouble, (balance sheets destroyed by stock looses).
Let us re-trace our steps back to the Reagan years, and Reagan’s economic policies, which were the beginning of the rift of new billionaires and at the other end of the rift, the millions fighting to keep body and soul and family together with too many jobs paying too little money. When households can’t meet their needs with one income, the family pays a high price with children frequently on their own. The society suffers because of a loss in values by their children and possibly even more, by their parents. This cycle goes on, repeating itself with each new generation.
The Reagan policies created more and more high -risk family situations. Too many jobs required in one family to make sheer survival into what is called “living”. This situation was a result of moving jobs out of the United States to nations where labor was cheap. Another reason for the same dire consequences was selling our manufactured goods markets to whatever companies offered the lowest prices. Initially these companies saw the opportunity to produce in such countries like Japan, China, Mexico, etc. with low labor costs. U.S companies and greedy executives saw an opportunity to produce in such countries and then turn around and sell them back in our country and create a bigger profit.
U.S companies were able to increase their profits greatly, and what this meant was millions of real U.S jobs lost to other nations. U.S companies even shipped parts to other countries, assembled the final product there and shipped back for sale in the United States. A great example is the auto industry, as cars were assembled in Mexico and shipped back to the U.S for sale.
These economic and market changes were accepted by certain Americans for one or various combinations of three reasons. First, they did not understand the real losses to our country (they did not loose their jobs). Second, all they saw was that they were paying lower prices for things they bought (imported), car , shoes, clothes, computes, TVs, anything and everything they needed or thought they did. The deprivation of their fellow citizens was either unseen or rationalized. Third, all societal pressures of having it all convinced them that having an SUV or bigger house was more important. It was more important than having mom and dad working three or four jobs, while the kids were in daycare and later on their own, instead of one or the other being at home taking care of those kids.
The new economic structure, along with the financial magic involved, led to the accumulation of large sums of money by many organizations and certain people. Much of this money and new technology were invested in the “new economy”. The “old economy”, making things in brick and mortar structures here in our own backyard, and selling such things had passed. So, out of nowhere and in no time came the dot coms.
Whether or not these dot coms had a business plan that made sense, or they made a profit was irrelevant. Wall Street , and the financial community as a whole, saw a bonanza in the offing and beat the drum of greed, literally to death, so that in due course emerged what was called the “dot com bubble”. As with all bubbles, it burst!! With it went millions of jobs and trillions of dollars in bewitched investors money.
So, because of this economic delusion and the horror of September 11, 2001, our great country is in recession, if not worse, thanks to greed and tragedy. The U.S economy is affecting that of much of the world which will make a return to economic health far more difficult. Jobs here and elsewhere in the developed nations, let alone the third world, will be a dire and dangerous problem for the future.
The reasons that both of these traumatic events, 9/11 and economic difficulties, took place is because Presidential administrations not monitoring our government’s operations in intelligence that should have prevented the attack on September 11, 2001, and not monitoring operations in the financial sector that should have prevented the dot com bubble, not to mention the bursting of that bubble. No less responsible, and possibly even more so, is the oversight which our Unites States Congress is supposed to exert in each case. These traumatic events could have and should have been prevented.
September 11, 2001, clearly involved all of our intelligence organizations, the FBI, INS, Custom Service, CIA, State Department and other entities. With respect to the dot com disaster, the SEC, the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, and certainly others were guilty as well. However, the ultimate responsibility was in the Presidential Administrations and United States Congress. They abjectly failed the people of the United States. The people, the reason they were elected to protect. Sadly, they will never be held accountable, despite the fact that they clearly had numerous credit warnings, in both cases, over an extended period of time and yet were totally remiss in not protecting this nation, and its citizens from either catastrophe.
Worse still, a number of people will capitalize on one or the other, if not both of these tragic events.
Fast forward to the year 2002. Enron is still one more case of dereliction in monitoring and oversight by the various agencies of the Bush Administration, and oversight by the United States Congress. Once again employees and investors have been devastated. Worst of all, however, the employees have seen their pensions and 401s either destroyed or drastically assaulted in the process with this bankruptcy, at that time the largest in the nation’s history. Greed and in this case, fraud and accounting dereliction along with audit irregularities, have been at the heart of this financial disaster. At a minimum, Wall Street and other financial interests had a hand in the situation, if for no other reason than utterly irresponsible stock promotion. So!! Again, where was the monitoring by the Bush administration’s agencies, and the oversight of the Congress?
On September 11, 2001, we were attacked by Muslim terrorists in order to kill and inflict fear into the American people and the world, took place in one day, yet sadly jobs lost due to the “ECONOMIC TERROR ATTACK” by greedy and savage CEOs and financial entities, hiding, not in caves of Afghanistan, but right here in our own back yard, Wall Street, has been waging a slow and steady guerilla warfare, spread over a period of time, and affecting million of people.
What happens when U.S manufacturing jobs are replaced by service jobs, as manufacturing jobs are being moved out of the U.S to other nations, is that our American workers are paid less in service jobs, and have to work two or three jobs to sustain their families, just to survive. However, such U.S corporations, their executives and the investors make unreasonable and undeserved amounts of money.
Cheap labor and lower costs abroad mean lower costs for the corporations. Prices are maintained or increased here in the United States, and the results are higher profits for the CEO terrorists, the rest of their allies, plus all of those who are involved in manipulating stock prices and similar depredations upon the people of the United Sates, make outrageous amount of money. We the people pay the piper, that is the bill for these relatively few people getting sickeningly large amounts of dollars at our expense.
Sadly our politicians who are working with the CEO terrorists argue that Americans now have more jobs available, in what is a service economy. Sure there are jobs, but they are jobs that pay way less, and people have to work two or three jobs while the basic family values are annihilated.
Our politicians who are working with the CEO terrorists argue that Americans pay less for what they buy. Sure for the items coming in from foreign companies, but it is not true for imported good which made or assembled by U.S companies abroad, and sold here as American products.
Rape is a crime. When one commits a rape that person goes to jail. But why is that when an employer rapes an American worker, nothing gets done about it.
For the last few weeks we have seen in the news, and read in the papers of thousands and thousands of people losing their jobs. You have Ford motor company shutting down plants, and you have Enron going bankrupt — enough.
It is time for the people of the United States of America to wake up and say enough. It is the people who slave, sweat 50, 60, even 70 hours a week, which make these CEOs, CFOs, COOs rich and greedy. This must stop. Sure this is the land of freedom and opportunity, and if you work hard you should earn the fruits of your tolls, but there has to be a limit.
You mean to tell me that these executives that earn ten, twenty, or even more millions of dollars, can't survive by putting a million or two back into the paychecks of the people that busted their backs to make them rich?? Has greed taken over and blinded the judgments of these executives?
In the world we are looked upon as the richest country in the world. Other nations look upon us and say that America is the land of opportunities.
Did you know that out of the entire industrialized nations in the world the United States of America Is ranked second for child poverty? , That is a crying shame. There is no excuse for this.
The basic heart and soul of our country, not to mention the engine that drives it, is the stakes. The highest and most critical stakes imaginable. In a word, survival! What could be higher? Obviously nothing.
We the people have been victims of economic domestic terrorism, but very few people are talking about it, and those that want to, talk about it are accused of being un-American or un-patriotic.
What Wall Street did to the economy of the United States is a terrorist action. What these corporate executives did to the various corporations, are terrorists. I can compare the Chairman of Enron, with the Chairman of the PLO, Yasser "the rat" Arafat. Both men led people, and managed funds, and both of these rats stole the money that was for their enterprises, for their personal selfish gains? So what Is the difference? Both of these men have a hand in the economic domestic terrorism of the United States.
Survival depends upon jobs, real Jobs making things. Not temporary or part time low wage service jobs in restaurants, retail, fast food places etc. We need real jobs and real incomes. Real jobs and real incomes are fundamental for a return to what America was about, "(the American Standard of Living". Jobs and wages are essential for revival of families, revival of values, and revival of education. Real Jobs and real living wages make for an equitable society, and a civilized culture. Real jobs, and living wages are a plus for effective attacks on crime, drugs, hunger, homelessness and the myriad other afflictions besetting us.
From almost every point of view the situation facing people everywhere, here in the Unites States and the world, grows daily more painful. The economic chaos resulting from years of unlicensed greed and heartless competition lays waste the honest toil and aspiration of countless millions. On the whole, people of money go blithely on, their treasure intact, while men and women in every country face joblessness, poverty and fear. More accurate readings of climatic changes show people how close this planet is to irreversible calamity, and alarm bells sound loudly on many political fronts, raising to new levels the factor of stress.
How much more of this tension can humanity bear? For how long will people in the United States and the world accept, mildly, their fate? Desperate people do desperate deeds and already in their minds, if not yet in their actions, many contemplate revolution.
We wrote this way back in 2006, and look at what is happening today!
On 18 March the World Economic Forum will take the next step in the drive to reform the international monetary system. In cooperation with selected finance ministries and central banks of G-20 countries, a roundtable will take place in Adelaide, Australia. The objective of the roundtable is to identify new arrangements that will ensure a more smooth and equitable international financial system in the 21st century.International Monetary Convention Project. The wave of financial crises in the last decade has generated a consensus that the international financial system needs to be reformed. But there remain profound disagreements among policy makers and the private sector concerning how far and deep the reforms should go.To capitalize on this opportunity for progress, the World Economic Forum and the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, in co-operation with selected finance ministries and central banks of G-20 countries, are organizing a year-long series of public-private roundtables on the future of the international monetary system.This project seeks to provide input into the deliberations of policy-makers by convening them for off-the-record sessions with some of the world’s leading private sector and academic authorities. Some of the two-day roundtables are organized around G-20 meetings, in cooperation with the host government. Each roundtable is supported by research papers written by prominent academics, officials and private sector participants. This will culminate in a final publication to be issued in late 2006 that will include a summary of key findings from the roundtable series as well as a selection of the research papers prepared for the project.
For the edification of readers, we would like to offer a short explanation of this “International financial system.”When most people think of “international finance system”, the biggest banks that come to mind are the IMF and the World Bank. And certainly these entities are in the upper echelons of the international monetary system.But there is a very little known bank, which since World War 2, has ruled over and set policy for all central banks on the earth. This bank is called the Bank for International Settlements.The history of how this bank that no one knows much about happened to come into power over all the banks of the earth is a story best told by its own history page: The establishment of the BIS The Bank for International Settlements was established in 1930. It is the world's oldest international financial institution and remains the principal centre for international central bank cooperation. The BIS was established in the context of the Young Plan (1930), which dealt with the issue of the reparation payments imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles following the First World War. The new bank was to take over the functions previously performed by the Agent General for Reparations in Berlin: collection, administration and distribution of the annuities payable as reparations. The Bank's name is derived from this original role. The BIS was also created to act as a trustee for the Dawes and Young Loans (international loans issued to finance reparations) and to promote central bank cooperation in general. The reparations issue quickly faded, focusing the Bank's activities entirely on cooperation among central banks and, increasingly, other agencies in pursuit of monetary and financial stability. Now, if the reader has been diligent to educate themselves on the “Young Plan”, then they know that the “Young Plan” was introduced because the “Dawes Plan” of World War I had failed!Yet, the astute reader will note that the Young Plan was a reform of the failed Dawes Plan. And the astute reader will note that the reforms of these international monetary systems were built upon the first World Wars, and mirror the reforming of the League of Nations to the United Nations.So then, how did this international monetary system, established to handle war reparations, spread its authority out over every central bank on the earth? Well, that is why it is called WORLD WAR, dear reader.
Now the planners who enacted the first stage, “the Dawes Plan”, and who implemented a reform by merit of the Young Plan”, have decided to implement reforms yet again.The natural course of events that this history reveals to the observant eye can only bring one conclusion to the thinking mind: that there is another World War in the making, yet another “reformed U.N.” institution of governance, with the cooperation of all the leaders of the nations on earth to make war. That is obvious.But what has not been obvious is where the real starting point of all this nonsense begins. Some say, “It’s the oil!” Others say, “It’s the economy, stupid!” And says, “It’s the BIS!” The oil market, the economy, and all policies pertaining to the globalization of national economies, begins in the BIS.This is where Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve (the private bank that is the United States’ central bank) reported to, and was issued the policies that he would then relay to Congress and Wall Street for them to implement.And for all the anti-American’s out there, who persist in believing that the USA is imperialist and rules the world, please note that the BIS is not ruled by Americans, nor do we hold the most powerful and prominent seats, nor do our votes count for more than everyone else’s in the BIS.Once these basics are understood, then you will understand the far-reaching consequences of the International Monetary Convention Project. Every so-called “reform” results in an expansion of power of the international government, sapping away the sovereignty of individual nations, and forcing them to rely upon this foreign, global government for economic viability.What are we saying, that putting Hitler and Saddam out of business was bad? Not at all! These things were necessary, which is why the we the people were convinced to do what it takes to remove those evil men! But IF putting those horrifying tyrants out of business was done not to truly free people, but to enslave them through deception and misdirection so they would not understand that they are frogs sitting in boiling water, then what good has really been achieved? What about when we find out that there is good reason to believe the Pope colluded with Hitler, or the U.N. was running that Oil-For-Food program in collaboration with Saddam? It is little wonder that beastly organizations like white power, black power, Islamic terrorist organizations, and so on manage to recruit followers, because of the utter confusion that has been created in the minds of people. We have all known we are being deceived, and everyone has different stories (many very dangerous and evil, and the most popular of which is used for propaganda purposes to sway public opinions!) on what the substance of that deception is, but now we can see where the buck really stops: the BIS!Then we realize that the Dawes Plan was not a failure at all. It was a successful first step toward everything every tyrant ever wanted and never fully achieved in history: Complete and utter world domination. Even Islam has not been this successful, although it is working double-time to have its own system of governance be King of the Mountain in this sickening war to rule all the earth.And we realize the Young Plan has not failed, but rather has been very successful. Because instead of doing away with the U.N., doing away with its root foundations (the BIS and its affiliated networks), the entire earth is conditioned by way of the media and the middle east conflict to accept yet a third, bigger, more empowered global government.And we are told that this cannot be stopped. We are told that globalization cannot be stopped. We are told that if we were to return to the gold standard, and return the power to mint US money away from the Federal Reserve and back to Congress, the entire world's economy would collapse. Yet, we also know that the entire thing is a house of cards in the first place! What fear is truly keeping us from demanding real changes from our nation's lawmakers?!
Kings indeed we have, (the government) who wear the marks, and assume the title of royalty (the public officials), but as for the qualities of their minds, they have nothing by which they can be distinguished from the rest of the people.
The United States of America was a country destined to be a leader. A country to go forth and help promote peace, and justice. For years the United States of America has been in front leading the world. Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, where all followers. Everyone looked to the United States as an example, and as a pillar of strength.
What went wrong? How did we get so off course? How did the rug get pulled from right under our feet? These are questions that should and must be answered by the highest level of our government.
These questions are the duty of every American citizen to voice up. The American public has right to know what is happening before our eyes, and in what direction is the United States government leading the country, and the people.
It does not matter if we like it or not, but the reality is that every nation in the world is, one way or another, dependent with each other, and always affects the United States of America. The phrase “NEW WORLD ORDER” is very real, and it will be the ruin of the United States of America. Instead of being a leader, the United States will become a follower.
We must put our foot down. Sure there are crisis around the world, but we have crisis and issues here at home as well. Problems that hurt our communities, our families, our morals, and our values.
The world is seeing how we are falling, and it does not care. Actually, the nations of the world are happy to see the United States of America loose control and fall flat on her face.
I have seen you in your glory during my younger days. You have made me a slave with joy and tears. A slave with pride and happiness. I am happy and honored to be one of your sons. Always first to pay my taxes, and respect the laws of this great nation.
You, America, have given me many opportunities and a better way of life. I will love you as long as I live. I have learned to accept the good with the bad, and try to make the best of it.
I feel like a father who speaks out to his children who are about to go astray. I am a citizen with a free voice who speaks of his love, hopes, and beliefs for his country. I am a citizen who hopes to be heard, and share with others the good values of life.
I have heard you speak of peace, but we find ourselves in war. You speak of democracy, but you enforce dictatorship. You speak of human rights, yet your own children suffer. You use democracy to cover your tracks, and only care for the few rich and powerful.
Burdens are put upon your children with heavy taxes, insurances, unemployment, trade deficit, which cause stress, and fear, which weakens families and slowly destroys them.
Our political system is failing us. Our politicians are becoming corrupt, and selfish. Our country is not well governed. We are a country that has lost the true meaning of life. We are a country that is lost.
Corruption, greed, power, and immorality, are just some of the reasons the Great world empires have fallen, and our government, along with the so-called elected public officials, are slowly dragging the United States of America to hell. One would think that our government officials would learn from the past. The past is the key to the future, and history does repeat itself, and if we the people, do not wake up and shake up the government, history will repeat itself, and the fall of the United States is only a blink away.
Until now, I did not want to believe what my country has become. A follower, not a leader. A puppet controlled by a few. I neglected to speak up loudly, and now I regret the mistake.
America, you are my dreams that has become a nightmare. America, you are my love that has become a thorn. No longer will I keep silent. No longer will I hold my thoughts. Now is the time to speak and let others hear the message, and with God’s help, and with the faith of the people, we will turn this country back to its moral, and just ways. We must secure a future for our children, and our children’s children.
“Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the RIGHT of the people to alter and to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness”.
What a powerful paragraph. If the founding fathers of the United States of America, can see what is happening to their dream for a great and just nation, and government, they would be turning over in their graves.
As a citizen who gets involved with the political system of this country, from the local, to the state, to the federal, and even international level of government, I have had the honor and privilege to meet and talk to a variety of people of all races, religious, and gender, with all kinds of backgrounds. By being out there with the people, one gets a true understanding about the heart beat of the Unites States.
Over the last two decades, there has been a build up of a deep frustration within the vast majority of people. There is anger, and a feeling of betrayal. Everyone agrees that the United States of America, is the greatest country in the world, but the feeling is that our elected public officials are slowly bringing the United States to her knees.
Complaints are everywhere heard. From our most considerate and virtuous citizens, equally the friends of private and public faith, and of public and personal liberty, that our government is too unstable, and the public good is disregarded in the conflict of rival parties, and of personal gains. Measures are too often decided, not according to the rules of justice and the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force of an interested, and overbearing majority.
It is sad, but yet very disturbing to know, that most of the time our government is dictated by the major and powerful corporations. It seems that the CEOs and board members that reside on Wall Street, are more influential and powerful than Congress. Actually the members of Congress are nothing but puppets, and the puppet masters control them from Wall Street.
Not so long ago, members of Congress were real people, with real jobs, in real communities throughout the country. They played an integral part in the civic, economic, and social affairs of their constituencies. They went to Washington temporarily, and then they came back home.
“Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter and to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”
Our founding fathers had vision and wisdom. This small paragraph is so powerful, and one word stands out. FOUNDATION. Why is this word so important? Why is it so powerful? What does it mean? If one opens a dictionary and looks at the word foundation, you get: A part on which the other parts rest for support. “The foundation of a house is built first.”
When a house is built, the very first step is to lay down a strong foundation on which the house will rest on. If the foundation is strong and solid, without flaws or cracks, then the house is safe and secure with no fear s that it would collapse. On the other hand, if by some chance the foundation had some flaws, then it becomes weak, and probably would not be a safe support for the house, and eventually it could collapse.
Our government, and our elected officials, from the local, to the state, and federal level, should be that strong foundation for the people, for the communities and for the country. If our public officials are strong and honest, and really care for the people and for the country, then you have a strong government, and a healthy, and happy society. If the people on the other hand see cracks within the governmental foundation, and flaws with the elected public officials, what will happen? People will be corrupt, communities would fall apart, people will not trust and have no faith with the government, and a nation as a whole will be demoralized.
For all practical purposes, today’s members of Congress consider Washington their home. When they do decide to go back to their communities, back to their constituents, they act like tourists in their own district. We must restore Congress back to a citizen legislature, and not just a bunch of bureaucrats.
It costs over one billion dollars a year to run Congress itself. Members of Congress make an average of $175,000.00 a year as federal employees. The Congressmen/women make many times more than their constituents, and they have the nerve to ask for pay raises because they commute, and have overnight excursions? But the problem is not just a matter of Government expense or Congressional pay, but a matter of function, and faithful representation.
People from all parts of the country, black, white, male, female, young, old, republican, democrat, feel that Congress has lost touch with the real world, and as to what role it should play. Sometimes one wonders, because the opposite of “pro is con”, so does this mean that Congress is opposite of progress?
The Congressional role is to represent the people on major policy decisions, to translate the public will into public law on matters of national, and international importance. Congress as an institution should go to the people a great deal more often. There is no law that states that every Congressional meeting must be in Washington. A few hearings or meetings should be scheduled in other parts of the country.
There would be plenty of positive benefits for taking the Congressional show on the road. Our Congressmen, our elected officials, will get a first hand understanding of dioxin, or a shut down steel mill can do to his or her community. Holding meetings and hearings outside Washington could also increase their grass roots character, and encourage greater and broader citizen participation.
A member of Congress does not have to be in Washington everyday in order to be a conscientious and skillful legislator, and he or she can’t be in Washington everyday and remain truly a representative to the people back home.
The language of economic policy is as familiar as the daily newspaper. Tax cuts, monetarism, deregulation, are part of the economic language, but how well do we the people understand it? Do our elected officials in Congress come back home to explain and translate this language? To most people, talking economics is like talking in a foreign language. Too often, the reasoning and difficult decisions that lead to economic policies are hidden from the non-expert in a fog of statistical jargon.
Making national economic policy means facing a never ending procession of hard choices among conflicting objectives. Unlike military policy, where the only goal is to win, or business policy, where the goal is to create a profit, economic policy involves much more than finding the best path to a clear objective. There are many important objectives of policy, including full employment, stable prices, the growth of output, and greater equality of distribution of income. Economic policy can be understood without the need for elaborate theory, higher mathematics or sophisticated statistics, and fancy words.
In competitive markets, competition between many independent producers keeps the price of output close to the cost of production, including as part of these costs, the normal rate of return invested capital. The output of competitive industry will therefore be the largest output whose costs customers are willing to pay.
Where there is one producer in a market, the monopolists can restrict output, hence OPEC. Customers will pay more than the costs of production for this smaller output and the producer will earn a monopoly profit in excess of the normal return on the capital he uses. A small group of producers acting in overt collusion to restrict output would have the same effects.
From another perspective, we can view the effect of monopoly as being in the first instance to raise prices above the competitive level. Customers will be willing to buy smaller quantities at the higher price. The monopolists can control quantity, in which case the market determines the quantity. He can’t control both price and quantity independently because he can’t force people to buy more of his product at any price than they choose.
A good example is OPEC. The member countries of OPEC set high prices for their oil, which caused users of oil to restrict their purchases by conserving energy, and driving less. As a result the high prices of oil started to fall because at the high price OPEC wanted to produce more oil than the consumers were willing to pay.
What does this all mean? Simple. Our public officials must take care of the United States, and its citizens. A strong economy will create strong families, and that creates a high level of human nature.
Another problem which we face is the welfare system. Since Franklin Roosevelt’s new deal, a kind of free lunch mentality has begun working its way into the American mind. Welfare programs have grown large because of recipients attitudes and the self perpetuating nature of the bureaucracies that un them, threaten to strangle the entire economy.
Since the government itself has little or no money, it must take from the taxpayers to feed the welfare system, and that is strangling our economy. People who are truly needy should receive help, but the present system is full of loopholes.
We allow families to stay on welfare for three or four generations. The children of these families are born expecting a “FREE LUNCH.”
The damage is done. Our economy is strangled. The welfare system is full of loopholes. But if our elected officials have the courage to say “enough is enough”, it can be worked out.
It must be made a mandatory requirement for every well bodied welfare recipient, while waiting for his or her welfare check, to do community service. The welfare recipients must meet a community service quota in order to receive their welfare, money, and our elected official must be dedicated and strong enough to oversee this.
Unfortunately we organizations out there, like ACLU, and Rainbow Coalition, etc., that this philosophy, of earning a welfare check in inhumane, and un-American.
Another solution is that a percentage of the money from a welfare check should be held back for vocational education. Have the welfare recipients learn a trade. If an individual learns something, and actually passes, he or she will feel good about their being. It will bring in a feeling of self worth, and slowly they will be able to get out of the rut they are in. This not only helps them, but it helps the government. The government will have one less person to deal with, and it will save the taxpayers in the long run.
All of the mess the welfare system is causing can’t be blamed on the recipients only. Blame must also go to the bureaucrats. In fact a great deal of what is strangling our economy is the giant bureaucracy that is in place. Instead of saving money our elected officials are encouraged to waste it.
With all the mess our elected officials have put this nation and the American people in, no wonder there is a strong feeling of disgust, mistrust, and a type of numbness, in which the people have begun to not care, and this will hurt our country in the long run.
“We regard a man who takes no interest in public affairs not as harmless, but as a useless character”. The ancients Greeks the founders of our democratic process, where active and involved in the political system. They participated actively in the goings on of their city state, and the quote above speaks volumes. The ancient Greeks considered a person as useless if he was not actively participating in the politics of the city. In this day and age, with fax machines, E-mails, text messaging, and computer there is no reason and no excuse a person can’t get involved.
Taxes are not enough. A concerned citizen who pays taxes, should and must demand accountability of where their hard earned money is going. Citizens have a right, and must demand to know what is going on within the closed doors of the government.
It is sad to note that ninety percent of our elected officials use and abuse their status and power for their own benefit. Ninety percent of the elected officials do not really care about their constituents, only when it is election time they act a little concerned. Sadly the ten percent that actually do care, they get swallowed up by the majority of useless government characters.
I recently saw a bumper sticker, and it read: “If people lead, politicians will follow”. How true that is! Unfortunately, our elected officials know too well that we the people do not keep up with what is going on in government, and they know that the majority of he public is to naïve and gullible, thus the elected officials know very well that they can get away with almost anything they please to do, because the people are not checking up on them.
Our elected public officials, who by the way are chosen to run our government by the people of this great nation, have achieved the worst of both worlds. A system of regulations that go too far, and at the same time a system that does too little. The idea of being elected for the people, by the people has vanished. The flame in the heart, the inspiration in one’s soul, the motivation and desire to work hard for the people has vanished. The loyalty, and respect for the people and country in non existent.
Public officials, from the local, state and federal levels of government, use and abuse their power for their own selfish interests. “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch my back” is very common with our elected officials, as they scratch each other in order to gain personal goals and financial gains for their greedy selfish interests.
The public must wake up and realize that these elected officials work for us. Our taxes pay for their salaries and extravagant lifestyles. We are their employers. If one has a business, and one of your employees is causing issues that is effecting the business, you have no choice but to fire that employee, and hire another.
Our elected public officials should realize that they work for us, and they our running our country to the ground, and we, their bosses will have no choice but to fire them, another words kick them out of office and elect someone else that may do a better job. But you know what? Our elected officials are sitting around their tables laughing. What are they laughing you ask? They are laughing at us because they know that we the people are asleep at the wheel.
We must wake up. We must encourage people to speak up, and voice their concerns. We must encourage people to vote not against their nightmares, but for their dreams. We the people must face the future today. We must face the future united and strong.
Millions of jobs lost today can be traced to millions of jobs raped yesterday by our elite leaders. The basic issue today is the same as it was back in the days when I first started to bring forth issues and concerns about our economy and U.S JOBS!!! Two dire problems have befallen us recently, but out of darkness light is born, so let us hope that these disasters awaken us to a new dawn.
The horror of September 11, 2001, and the present economic chaos, if not worse, are basically the result of the same derelictions. They are failure to monitor our country’s policies, as perceived throughout the rest of the world, and as they are affecting our country here at home, by our presidential administrations going back several decades. They are no less the failure in oversight on the same two counts by our Congress during the corresponding span of time.
Job losses were ordained when the Reagan Administration decreed that this country was to become a high-tech society, a service economy and was to enter the post-industrial era. Such policies drove out relatively high-paying manufacturing jobs. They were replaced by low-paying service, retail, clerical, fast-food and other non-manufacturing jobs, many of which have been literally destroyed by one or both of these calamities.
Making things (manufacturing) make sense and real jobs. Making comparatively nothing makes nonsense and perishable jobs (services). Certainly neither is without risk. However, the risk is far lower if we have jobs making things for our own use and consumption, then for sale to the export market.
As it stands, however, we can not make even some of the products that are needed to prosecute the war against terrorism. Being unable to supply our military totally from our own shores is just plain dangerous for our defense, not to mention damaging to our real jobs availability (relatively high-paying jobs).
Should we depend upon former, as well as potential enemies for some of the means necessary to protect ourselves because we no longer can or make these products ? I don’t think so.
China and Russia, as well as others of similar stripes don’t exactly inspire great confidence as suppliers of critical materials for our future peace and well-being. With apologies to our State and Commerce Departments, convoluted logic often turns out to be less than logical. To put it another way, when you go up a busy one-way street that is supposed to be down only, it does not really matter which side of the street you use. Generally there is one result---CRASH!!
Back to the Reagan years, President Reagan did many important things for this country, such as furthering development, restoring patriotism, rebuilding our defense capability, facing down the Soviet Union, rejuvenating our faith in ourselves as a nation and more. HOWEVER! From the standpoint of real jobs for the American people and maintaining our essential manufacturing base, here are a few questions that were posed to his administration which met with disturbing replies or no answers at all. These are not verbatim answers, but they are the essence of responses from that administration.
These questions were posed a little more than twenty years ago. What we have seen since is many people working two or three jobs to keep families going on a desperate survival basis. NAFTA, under the Clinton administration, siphoned more and more jobs out of the country. Job “globalization” under the Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II administrations compounded the job losses like a jet vacuum cleaner sucking sand from the ocean floor. More of the same is to come from another free trade agreement covering the entire Western Hemisphere unless it is stopped.
So, what was set in motion decades ago, tragically has come to pass. Real jobs in too great numbers have disappeared, cheap (non-manufacturing) jobs have swelled. Low and moderate income people have been hurt severely. Wall Street, corporations, and people in their upper ranks, along with people who had money to “invest” or to risk, did very well, (since they had the inside track). On the other hand, those who were not privileged to have an inside track, took a bath on the “old economy”, and were blown away by the dot coms of the new economy. The players continue to play and make lots of money, and it does not matter if the markets go up or down, or mergers and acquisitions and bankruptcies occur they still strike it rich. These same people buy solid enterprises cheaply, because such companies have gotten into cash trouble, (balance sheets destroyed by stock looses).
Let us re-trace our steps back to the Reagan years, and Reagan’s economic policies, which were the beginning of the rift of new billionaires and at the other end of the rift, the millions fighting to keep body and soul and family together with too many jobs paying too little money. When households can’t meet their needs with one income, the family pays a high price with children frequently on their own. The society suffers because of a loss in values by their children and possibly even more, by their parents. This cycle goes on, repeating itself with each new generation.
The Reagan policies created more and more high -risk family situations. Too many jobs required in one family to make sheer survival into what is called “living”. This situation was a result of moving jobs out of the United States to nations where labor was cheap. Another reason for the same dire consequences was selling our manufactured goods markets to whatever companies offered the lowest prices. Initially these companies saw the opportunity to produce in such countries like Japan, China, Mexico, etc. with low labor costs. U.S companies and greedy executives saw an opportunity to produce in such countries and then turn around and sell them back in our country and create a bigger profit.
U.S companies were able to increase their profits greatly, and what this meant was millions of real U.S jobs lost to other nations. U.S companies even shipped parts to other countries, assembled the final product there and shipped back for sale in the United States. A great example is the auto industry, as cars were assembled in Mexico and shipped back to the U.S for sale.
These economic and market changes were accepted by certain Americans for one or various combinations of three reasons. First, they did not understand the real losses to our country (they did not loose their jobs). Second, all they saw was that they were paying lower prices for things they bought (imported), car , shoes, clothes, computes, TVs, anything and everything they needed or thought they did. The deprivation of their fellow citizens was either unseen or rationalized. Third, all societal pressures of having it all convinced them that having an SUV or bigger house was more important. It was more important than having mom and dad working three or four jobs, while the kids were in daycare and later on their own, instead of one or the other being at home taking care of those kids.
The new economic structure, along with the financial magic involved, led to the accumulation of large sums of money by many organizations and certain people. Much of this money and new technology were invested in the “new economy”. The “old economy”, making things in brick and mortar structures here in our own backyard, and selling such things had passed. So, out of nowhere and in no time came the dot coms.
Whether or not these dot coms had a business plan that made sense, or they made a profit was irrelevant. Wall Street , and the financial community as a whole, saw a bonanza in the offing and beat the drum of greed, literally to death, so that in due course emerged what was called the “dot com bubble”. As with all bubbles, it burst!! With it went millions of jobs and trillions of dollars in bewitched investors money.
So, because of this economic delusion and the horror of September 11, 2001, our great country is in recession, if not worse, thanks to greed and tragedy. The U.S economy is affecting that of much of the world which will make a return to economic health far more difficult. Jobs here and elsewhere in the developed nations, let alone the third world, will be a dire and dangerous problem for the future.
The reasons that both of these traumatic events, 9/11 and economic difficulties, took place is because Presidential administrations not monitoring our government’s operations in intelligence that should have prevented the attack on September 11, 2001, and not monitoring operations in the financial sector that should have prevented the dot com bubble, not to mention the bursting of that bubble. No less responsible, and possibly even more so, is the oversight which our Unites States Congress is supposed to exert in each case. These traumatic events could have and should have been prevented.
September 11, 2001, clearly involved all of our intelligence organizations, the FBI, INS, Custom Service, CIA, State Department and other entities. With respect to the dot com disaster, the SEC, the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, and certainly others were guilty as well. However, the ultimate responsibility was in the Presidential Administrations and United States Congress. They abjectly failed the people of the United States. The people, the reason they were elected to protect. Sadly, they will never be held accountable, despite the fact that they clearly had numerous credit warnings, in both cases, over an extended period of time and yet were totally remiss in not protecting this nation, and its citizens from either catastrophe.
Worse still, a number of people will capitalize on one or the other, if not both of these tragic events.
Fast forward to the year 2002. Enron is still one more case of dereliction in monitoring and oversight by the various agencies of the Bush Administration, and oversight by the United States Congress. Once again employees and investors have been devastated. Worst of all, however, the employees have seen their pensions and 401s either destroyed or drastically assaulted in the process with this bankruptcy, at that time the largest in the nation’s history. Greed and in this case, fraud and accounting dereliction along with audit irregularities, have been at the heart of this financial disaster. At a minimum, Wall Street and other financial interests had a hand in the situation, if for no other reason than utterly irresponsible stock promotion. So!! Again, where was the monitoring by the Bush administration’s agencies, and the oversight of the Congress?
On September 11, 2001, we were attacked by Muslim terrorists in order to kill and inflict fear into the American people and the world, took place in one day, yet sadly jobs lost due to the “ECONOMIC TERROR ATTACK” by greedy and savage CEOs and financial entities, hiding, not in caves of Afghanistan, but right here in our own back yard, Wall Street, has been waging a slow and steady guerilla warfare, spread over a period of time, and affecting million of people.
What happens when U.S manufacturing jobs are replaced by service jobs, as manufacturing jobs are being moved out of the U.S to other nations, is that our American workers are paid less in service jobs, and have to work two or three jobs to sustain their families, just to survive. However, such U.S corporations, their executives and the investors make unreasonable and undeserved amounts of money.
Cheap labor and lower costs abroad mean lower costs for the corporations. Prices are maintained or increased here in the United States, and the results are higher profits for the CEO terrorists, the rest of their allies, plus all of those who are involved in manipulating stock prices and similar depredations upon the people of the United Sates, make outrageous amount of money. We the people pay the piper, that is the bill for these relatively few people getting sickeningly large amounts of dollars at our expense.
Sadly our politicians who are working with the CEO terrorists argue that Americans now have more jobs available, in what is a service economy. Sure there are jobs, but they are jobs that pay way less, and people have to work two or three jobs while the basic family values are annihilated.
Our politicians who are working with the CEO terrorists argue that Americans pay less for what they buy. Sure for the items coming in from foreign companies, but it is not true for imported good which made or assembled by U.S companies abroad, and sold here as American products.
Rape is a crime. When one commits a rape that person goes to jail. But why is that when an employer rapes an American worker, nothing gets done about it.
For the last few weeks we have seen in the news, and read in the papers of thousands and thousands of people losing their jobs. You have Ford motor company shutting down plants, and you have Enron going bankrupt — enough.
It is time for the people of the United States of America to wake up and say enough. It is the people who slave, sweat 50, 60, even 70 hours a week, which make these CEOs, CFOs, COOs rich and greedy. This must stop. Sure this is the land of freedom and opportunity, and if you work hard you should earn the fruits of your tolls, but there has to be a limit.
You mean to tell me that these executives that earn ten, twenty, or even more millions of dollars, can't survive by putting a million or two back into the paychecks of the people that busted their backs to make them rich?? Has greed taken over and blinded the judgments of these executives?
In the world we are looked upon as the richest country in the world. Other nations look upon us and say that America is the land of opportunities.
Did you know that out of the entire industrialized nations in the world the United States of America Is ranked second for child poverty? , That is a crying shame. There is no excuse for this.
The basic heart and soul of our country, not to mention the engine that drives it, is the stakes. The highest and most critical stakes imaginable. In a word, survival! What could be higher? Obviously nothing.
We the people have been victims of economic domestic terrorism, but very few people are talking about it, and those that want to, talk about it are accused of being un-American or un-patriotic.
What Wall Street did to the economy of the United States is a terrorist action. What these corporate executives did to the various corporations, are terrorists. I can compare the Chairman of Enron, with the Chairman of the PLO, Yasser "the rat" Arafat. Both men led people, and managed funds, and both of these rats stole the money that was for their enterprises, for their personal selfish gains? So what Is the difference? Both of these men have a hand in the economic domestic terrorism of the United States.
Survival depends upon jobs, real Jobs making things. Not temporary or part time low wage service jobs in restaurants, retail, fast food places etc. We need real jobs and real incomes. Real jobs and real incomes are fundamental for a return to what America was about, "(the American Standard of Living". Jobs and wages are essential for revival of families, revival of values, and revival of education. Real Jobs and real living wages make for an equitable society, and a civilized culture. Real jobs, and living wages are a plus for effective attacks on crime, drugs, hunger, homelessness and the myriad other afflictions besetting us.
From almost every point of view the situation facing people everywhere, here in the Unites States and the world, grows daily more painful. The economic chaos resulting from years of unlicensed greed and heartless competition lays waste the honest toil and aspiration of countless millions. On the whole, people of money go blithely on, their treasure intact, while men and women in every country face joblessness, poverty and fear. More accurate readings of climatic changes show people how close this planet is to irreversible calamity, and alarm bells sound loudly on many political fronts, raising to new levels the factor of stress.
How much more of this tension can humanity bear? For how long will people in the United States and the world accept, mildly, their fate? Desperate people do desperate deeds and already in their minds, if not yet in their actions, many contemplate revolution.
We wrote this way back in 2006, and look at what is happening today!
On 18 March the World Economic Forum will take the next step in the drive to reform the international monetary system. In cooperation with selected finance ministries and central banks of G-20 countries, a roundtable will take place in Adelaide, Australia. The objective of the roundtable is to identify new arrangements that will ensure a more smooth and equitable international financial system in the 21st century.International Monetary Convention Project. The wave of financial crises in the last decade has generated a consensus that the international financial system needs to be reformed. But there remain profound disagreements among policy makers and the private sector concerning how far and deep the reforms should go.To capitalize on this opportunity for progress, the World Economic Forum and the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, in co-operation with selected finance ministries and central banks of G-20 countries, are organizing a year-long series of public-private roundtables on the future of the international monetary system.This project seeks to provide input into the deliberations of policy-makers by convening them for off-the-record sessions with some of the world’s leading private sector and academic authorities. Some of the two-day roundtables are organized around G-20 meetings, in cooperation with the host government. Each roundtable is supported by research papers written by prominent academics, officials and private sector participants. This will culminate in a final publication to be issued in late 2006 that will include a summary of key findings from the roundtable series as well as a selection of the research papers prepared for the project.
For the edification of readers, we would like to offer a short explanation of this “International financial system.”When most people think of “international finance system”, the biggest banks that come to mind are the IMF and the World Bank. And certainly these entities are in the upper echelons of the international monetary system.But there is a very little known bank, which since World War 2, has ruled over and set policy for all central banks on the earth. This bank is called the Bank for International Settlements.The history of how this bank that no one knows much about happened to come into power over all the banks of the earth is a story best told by its own history page: The establishment of the BIS The Bank for International Settlements was established in 1930. It is the world's oldest international financial institution and remains the principal centre for international central bank cooperation. The BIS was established in the context of the Young Plan (1930), which dealt with the issue of the reparation payments imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles following the First World War. The new bank was to take over the functions previously performed by the Agent General for Reparations in Berlin: collection, administration and distribution of the annuities payable as reparations. The Bank's name is derived from this original role. The BIS was also created to act as a trustee for the Dawes and Young Loans (international loans issued to finance reparations) and to promote central bank cooperation in general. The reparations issue quickly faded, focusing the Bank's activities entirely on cooperation among central banks and, increasingly, other agencies in pursuit of monetary and financial stability. Now, if the reader has been diligent to educate themselves on the “Young Plan”, then they know that the “Young Plan” was introduced because the “Dawes Plan” of World War I had failed!Yet, the astute reader will note that the Young Plan was a reform of the failed Dawes Plan. And the astute reader will note that the reforms of these international monetary systems were built upon the first World Wars, and mirror the reforming of the League of Nations to the United Nations.So then, how did this international monetary system, established to handle war reparations, spread its authority out over every central bank on the earth? Well, that is why it is called WORLD WAR, dear reader.
Now the planners who enacted the first stage, “the Dawes Plan”, and who implemented a reform by merit of the Young Plan”, have decided to implement reforms yet again.The natural course of events that this history reveals to the observant eye can only bring one conclusion to the thinking mind: that there is another World War in the making, yet another “reformed U.N.” institution of governance, with the cooperation of all the leaders of the nations on earth to make war. That is obvious.But what has not been obvious is where the real starting point of all this nonsense begins. Some say, “It’s the oil!” Others say, “It’s the economy, stupid!” And says, “It’s the BIS!” The oil market, the economy, and all policies pertaining to the globalization of national economies, begins in the BIS.This is where Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve (the private bank that is the United States’ central bank) reported to, and was issued the policies that he would then relay to Congress and Wall Street for them to implement.And for all the anti-American’s out there, who persist in believing that the USA is imperialist and rules the world, please note that the BIS is not ruled by Americans, nor do we hold the most powerful and prominent seats, nor do our votes count for more than everyone else’s in the BIS.Once these basics are understood, then you will understand the far-reaching consequences of the International Monetary Convention Project. Every so-called “reform” results in an expansion of power of the international government, sapping away the sovereignty of individual nations, and forcing them to rely upon this foreign, global government for economic viability.What are we saying, that putting Hitler and Saddam out of business was bad? Not at all! These things were necessary, which is why the we the people were convinced to do what it takes to remove those evil men! But IF putting those horrifying tyrants out of business was done not to truly free people, but to enslave them through deception and misdirection so they would not understand that they are frogs sitting in boiling water, then what good has really been achieved? What about when we find out that there is good reason to believe the Pope colluded with Hitler, or the U.N. was running that Oil-For-Food program in collaboration with Saddam? It is little wonder that beastly organizations like white power, black power, Islamic terrorist organizations, and so on manage to recruit followers, because of the utter confusion that has been created in the minds of people. We have all known we are being deceived, and everyone has different stories (many very dangerous and evil, and the most popular of which is used for propaganda purposes to sway public opinions!) on what the substance of that deception is, but now we can see where the buck really stops: the BIS!Then we realize that the Dawes Plan was not a failure at all. It was a successful first step toward everything every tyrant ever wanted and never fully achieved in history: Complete and utter world domination. Even Islam has not been this successful, although it is working double-time to have its own system of governance be King of the Mountain in this sickening war to rule all the earth.And we realize the Young Plan has not failed, but rather has been very successful. Because instead of doing away with the U.N., doing away with its root foundations (the BIS and its affiliated networks), the entire earth is conditioned by way of the media and the middle east conflict to accept yet a third, bigger, more empowered global government.And we are told that this cannot be stopped. We are told that globalization cannot be stopped. We are told that if we were to return to the gold standard, and return the power to mint US money away from the Federal Reserve and back to Congress, the entire world's economy would collapse. Yet, we also know that the entire thing is a house of cards in the first place! What fear is truly keeping us from demanding real changes from our nation's lawmakers?!
Kings indeed we have, (the government) who wear the marks, and assume the title of royalty (the public officials), but as for the qualities of their minds, they have nothing by which they can be distinguished from the rest of the people.
The United States of America was a country destined to be a leader. A country to go forth and help promote peace, and justice. For years the United States of America has been in front leading the world. Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, where all followers. Everyone looked to the United States as an example, and as a pillar of strength.
What went wrong? How did we get so off course? How did the rug get pulled from right under our feet? These are questions that should and must be answered by the highest level of our government.
These questions are the duty of every American citizen to voice up. The American public has right to know what is happening before our eyes, and in what direction is the United States government leading the country, and the people.
It does not matter if we like it or not, but the reality is that every nation in the world is, one way or another, dependent with each other, and always affects the United States of America. The phrase “NEW WORLD ORDER” is very real, and it will be the ruin of the United States of America. Instead of being a leader, the United States will become a follower.
We must put our foot down. Sure there are crisis around the world, but we have crisis and issues here at home as well. Problems that hurt our communities, our families, our morals, and our values.
The world is seeing how we are falling, and it does not care. Actually, the nations of the world are happy to see the United States of America loose control and fall flat on her face.
I have seen you in your glory during my younger days. You have made me a slave with joy and tears. A slave with pride and happiness. I am happy and honored to be one of your sons. Always first to pay my taxes, and respect the laws of this great nation.
You, America, have given me many opportunities and a better way of life. I will love you as long as I live. I have learned to accept the good with the bad, and try to make the best of it.
I feel like a father who speaks out to his children who are about to go astray. I am a citizen with a free voice who speaks of his love, hopes, and beliefs for his country. I am a citizen who hopes to be heard, and share with others the good values of life.
I have heard you speak of peace, but we find ourselves in war. You speak of democracy, but you enforce dictatorship. You speak of human rights, yet your own children suffer. You use democracy to cover your tracks, and only care for the few rich and powerful.
Burdens are put upon your children with heavy taxes, insurances, unemployment, trade deficit, which cause stress, and fear, which weakens families and slowly destroys them.
Our political system is failing us. Our politicians are becoming corrupt, and selfish. Our country is not well governed. We are a country that has lost the true meaning of life. We are a country that is lost.
Corruption, greed, power, and immorality, are just some of the reasons the Great world empires have fallen, and our government, along with the so-called elected public officials, are slowly dragging the United States of America to hell. One would think that our government officials would learn from the past. The past is the key to the future, and history does repeat itself, and if we the people, do not wake up and shake up the government, history will repeat itself, and the fall of the United States is only a blink away.
Until now, I did not want to believe what my country has become. A follower, not a leader. A puppet controlled by a few. I neglected to speak up loudly, and now I regret the mistake.
America, you are my dreams that has become a nightmare. America, you are my love that has become a thorn. No longer will I keep silent. No longer will I hold my thoughts. Now is the time to speak and let others hear the message, and with God’s help, and with the faith of the people, we will turn this country back to its moral, and just ways. We must secure a future for our children, and our children’s children.
“Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the RIGHT of the people to alter and to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness”.
What a powerful paragraph. If the founding fathers of the United States of America, can see what is happening to their dream for a great and just nation, and government, they would be turning over in their graves.
As a citizen who gets involved with the political system of this country, from the local, to the state, to the federal, and even international level of government, I have had the honor and privilege to meet and talk to a variety of people of all races, religious, and gender, with all kinds of backgrounds. By being out there with the people, one gets a true understanding about the heart beat of the Unites States.
Over the last two decades, there has been a build up of a deep frustration within the vast majority of people. There is anger, and a feeling of betrayal. Everyone agrees that the United States of America, is the greatest country in the world, but the feeling is that our elected public officials are slowly bringing the United States to her knees.
Complaints are everywhere heard. From our most considerate and virtuous citizens, equally the friends of private and public faith, and of public and personal liberty, that our government is too unstable, and the public good is disregarded in the conflict of rival parties, and of personal gains. Measures are too often decided, not according to the rules of justice and the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force of an interested, and overbearing majority.
It is sad, but yet very disturbing to know, that most of the time our government is dictated by the major and powerful corporations. It seems that the CEOs and board members that reside on Wall Street, are more influential and powerful than Congress. Actually the members of Congress are nothing but puppets, and the puppet masters control them from Wall Street.
Not so long ago, members of Congress were real people, with real jobs, in real communities throughout the country. They played an integral part in the civic, economic, and social affairs of their constituencies. They went to Washington temporarily, and then they came back home.
“Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter and to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”
Our founding fathers had vision and wisdom. This small paragraph is so powerful, and one word stands out. FOUNDATION. Why is this word so important? Why is it so powerful? What does it mean? If one opens a dictionary and looks at the word foundation, you get: A part on which the other parts rest for support. “The foundation of a house is built first.”
When a house is built, the very first step is to lay down a strong foundation on which the house will rest on. If the foundation is strong and solid, without flaws or cracks, then the house is safe and secure with no fear s that it would collapse. On the other hand, if by some chance the foundation had some flaws, then it becomes weak, and probably would not be a safe support for the house, and eventually it could collapse.
Our government, and our elected officials, from the local, to the state, and federal level, should be that strong foundation for the people, for the communities and for the country. If our public officials are strong and honest, and really care for the people and for the country, then you have a strong government, and a healthy, and happy society. If the people on the other hand see cracks within the governmental foundation, and flaws with the elected public officials, what will happen? People will be corrupt, communities would fall apart, people will not trust and have no faith with the government, and a nation as a whole will be demoralized.
For all practical purposes, today’s members of Congress consider Washington their home. When they do decide to go back to their communities, back to their constituents, they act like tourists in their own district. We must restore Congress back to a citizen legislature, and not just a bunch of bureaucrats.
It costs over one billion dollars a year to run Congress itself. Members of Congress make an average of $175,000.00 a year as federal employees. The Congressmen/women make many times more than their constituents, and they have the nerve to ask for pay raises because they commute, and have overnight excursions? But the problem is not just a matter of Government expense or Congressional pay, but a matter of function, and faithful representation.
People from all parts of the country, black, white, male, female, young, old, republican, democrat, feel that Congress has lost touch with the real world, and as to what role it should play. Sometimes one wonders, because the opposite of “pro is con”, so does this mean that Congress is opposite of progress?
The Congressional role is to represent the people on major policy decisions, to translate the public will into public law on matters of national, and international importance. Congress as an institution should go to the people a great deal more often. There is no law that states that every Congressional meeting must be in Washington. A few hearings or meetings should be scheduled in other parts of the country.
There would be plenty of positive benefits for taking the Congressional show on the road. Our Congressmen, our elected officials, will get a first hand understanding of dioxin, or a shut down steel mill can do to his or her community. Holding meetings and hearings outside Washington could also increase their grass roots character, and encourage greater and broader citizen participation.
A member of Congress does not have to be in Washington everyday in order to be a conscientious and skillful legislator, and he or she can’t be in Washington everyday and remain truly a representative to the people back home.
The language of economic policy is as familiar as the daily newspaper. Tax cuts, monetarism, deregulation, are part of the economic language, but how well do we the people understand it? Do our elected officials in Congress come back home to explain and translate this language? To most people, talking economics is like talking in a foreign language. Too often, the reasoning and difficult decisions that lead to economic policies are hidden from the non-expert in a fog of statistical jargon.
Making national economic policy means facing a never ending procession of hard choices among conflicting objectives. Unlike military policy, where the only goal is to win, or business policy, where the goal is to create a profit, economic policy involves much more than finding the best path to a clear objective. There are many important objectives of policy, including full employment, stable prices, the growth of output, and greater equality of distribution of income. Economic policy can be understood without the need for elaborate theory, higher mathematics or sophisticated statistics, and fancy words.
In competitive markets, competition between many independent producers keeps the price of output close to the cost of production, including as part of these costs, the normal rate of return invested capital. The output of competitive industry will therefore be the largest output whose costs customers are willing to pay.
Where there is one producer in a market, the monopolists can restrict output, hence OPEC. Customers will pay more than the costs of production for this smaller output and the producer will earn a monopoly profit in excess of the normal return on the capital he uses. A small group of producers acting in overt collusion to restrict output would have the same effects.
From another perspective, we can view the effect of monopoly as being in the first instance to raise prices above the competitive level. Customers will be willing to buy smaller quantities at the higher price. The monopolists can control quantity, in which case the market determines the quantity. He can’t control both price and quantity independently because he can’t force people to buy more of his product at any price than they choose.
A good example is OPEC. The member countries of OPEC set high prices for their oil, which caused users of oil to restrict their purchases by conserving energy, and driving less. As a result the high prices of oil started to fall because at the high price OPEC wanted to produce more oil than the consumers were willing to pay.
What does this all mean? Simple. Our public officials must take care of the United States, and its citizens. A strong economy will create strong families, and that creates a high level of human nature.
Another problem which we face is the welfare system. Since Franklin Roosevelt’s new deal, a kind of free lunch mentality has begun working its way into the American mind. Welfare programs have grown large because of recipients attitudes and the self perpetuating nature of the bureaucracies that un them, threaten to strangle the entire economy.
Since the government itself has little or no money, it must take from the taxpayers to feed the welfare system, and that is strangling our economy. People who are truly needy should receive help, but the present system is full of loopholes.
We allow families to stay on welfare for three or four generations. The children of these families are born expecting a “FREE LUNCH.”
The damage is done. Our economy is strangled. The welfare system is full of loopholes. But if our elected officials have the courage to say “enough is enough”, it can be worked out.
It must be made a mandatory requirement for every well bodied welfare recipient, while waiting for his or her welfare check, to do community service. The welfare recipients must meet a community service quota in order to receive their welfare, money, and our elected official must be dedicated and strong enough to oversee this.
Unfortunately we organizations out there, like ACLU, and Rainbow Coalition, etc., that this philosophy, of earning a welfare check in inhumane, and un-American.
Another solution is that a percentage of the money from a welfare check should be held back for vocational education. Have the welfare recipients learn a trade. If an individual learns something, and actually passes, he or she will feel good about their being. It will bring in a feeling of self worth, and slowly they will be able to get out of the rut they are in. This not only helps them, but it helps the government. The government will have one less person to deal with, and it will save the taxpayers in the long run.
All of the mess the welfare system is causing can’t be blamed on the recipients only. Blame must also go to the bureaucrats. In fact a great deal of what is strangling our economy is the giant bureaucracy that is in place. Instead of saving money our elected officials are encouraged to waste it.
With all the mess our elected officials have put this nation and the American people in, no wonder there is a strong feeling of disgust, mistrust, and a type of numbness, in which the people have begun to not care, and this will hurt our country in the long run.
“We regard a man who takes no interest in public affairs not as harmless, but as a useless character”. The ancients Greeks the founders of our democratic process, where active and involved in the political system. They participated actively in the goings on of their city state, and the quote above speaks volumes. The ancient Greeks considered a person as useless if he was not actively participating in the politics of the city. In this day and age, with fax machines, E-mails, text messaging, and computer there is no reason and no excuse a person can’t get involved.
Taxes are not enough. A concerned citizen who pays taxes, should and must demand accountability of where their hard earned money is going. Citizens have a right, and must demand to know what is going on within the closed doors of the government.
It is sad to note that ninety percent of our elected officials use and abuse their status and power for their own benefit. Ninety percent of the elected officials do not really care about their constituents, only when it is election time they act a little concerned. Sadly the ten percent that actually do care, they get swallowed up by the majority of useless government characters.
I recently saw a bumper sticker, and it read: “If people lead, politicians will follow”. How true that is! Unfortunately, our elected officials know too well that we the people do not keep up with what is going on in government, and they know that the majority of he public is to naïve and gullible, thus the elected officials know very well that they can get away with almost anything they please to do, because the people are not checking up on them.
Our elected public officials, who by the way are chosen to run our government by the people of this great nation, have achieved the worst of both worlds. A system of regulations that go too far, and at the same time a system that does too little. The idea of being elected for the people, by the people has vanished. The flame in the heart, the inspiration in one’s soul, the motivation and desire to work hard for the people has vanished. The loyalty, and respect for the people and country in non existent.
Public officials, from the local, state and federal levels of government, use and abuse their power for their own selfish interests. “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch my back” is very common with our elected officials, as they scratch each other in order to gain personal goals and financial gains for their greedy selfish interests.
The public must wake up and realize that these elected officials work for us. Our taxes pay for their salaries and extravagant lifestyles. We are their employers. If one has a business, and one of your employees is causing issues that is effecting the business, you have no choice but to fire that employee, and hire another.
Our elected public officials should realize that they work for us, and they our running our country to the ground, and we, their bosses will have no choice but to fire them, another words kick them out of office and elect someone else that may do a better job. But you know what? Our elected officials are sitting around their tables laughing. What are they laughing you ask? They are laughing at us because they know that we the people are asleep at the wheel.
We must wake up. We must encourage people to speak up, and voice their concerns. We must encourage people to vote not against their nightmares, but for their dreams. We the people must face the future today. We must face the future united and strong.
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Incoming President Donald Trump said he will establish an External Revenue Service to collect tariffs, duties and all revenue that com...
- Ok, this is worth every MINUTE (ONLY 4) to watch this! THIS HITS IT ...
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