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Friday, August 27, 2010


MEMRI: California State University Professor As'ad Abu Khalil Says Building Islamic Center Near Ground Zero Will Increase Hatred of Islam in the US, "Which Is No Different than Other Ideologies of Hatred, Like the Nazi Hostility toward the Jews"

MEMRI: California State University Professor As'ad Abu Khalil Says Building Islamic Center Near Ground Zero Will Increase Hatred of Islam in the US, "Which Is No Different than Other Ideologies of Hatred, Like the Nazi Hostility toward the Jews"

MEMRI: Al-Jazeera TV Program Titled 'The Right In America Declared War On Islam Inside and Outside America' Interviews Muslim U.S. Soldier From Fort Hood on Planned Islamic Center Near Ground Zero, Who Says: 'Islamophobia Pervades U.S. Military'; 'The Training We Get and the Information That We Are Subject To – Constitute Propaganda Against Islam'

MEMRI: Al-Jazeera TV Program Titled 'The Right In America Declared War On Islam Inside and Outside America' Interviews Muslim U.S. Soldier From Fort Hood on Planned Islamic Center Near Ground Zero, Who Says: 'Islamophobia Pervades U.S. Military'; 'The Training We Get and the Information That We Are Subject To – Constitute Propaganda Against Islam'

MEMRI: Feisal Abdul Rauf, Imam of Planned Islamic Center Near Ground Zero: One of Our Goals Is to Make People Understand What Islam Is

MEMRI: Feisal Abdul Rauf, Imam of Planned Islamic Center Near Ground Zero: One of Our Goals Is to Make People Understand What Islam Is

Feisal Abdul Rauf, Imam of Planned Islamic Center Near Ground Zero: One of Our Goals Is to Make People Understand What Islam Is

MEMRI: Egyptian Cleric Abdallah Abd Al-Hay: The War with the Jews Is Bound to Come, Whether We Like It or Not

MEMRI: Egyptian Cleric Abdallah Abd Al-Hay: The War with the Jews Is Bound to Come, Whether We Like It or Not

Egyptian Cleric Abdallah Abd Al-Hay: The War with the Jews Is Bound to Come, Whether We Like It or Not

MEMRI: Iran Unveils New Bomber Drone and Tests a Surface-to-Surface Missile

MEMRI: Iran Unveils New Bomber Drone and Tests a Surface-to-Surface Missile

Mum’s Love Brings Baby Back from the Dead - Pravda.Ru

Mum’s Love Brings Baby Back from the Dead - Pravda.Ru

Home Sales Drop 27 Percent In July And Things Are Only Going To Get Worse - Pravda.Ru

Home Sales Drop 27 Percent In July And Things Are Only Going To Get Worse - Pravda.Ru

BRIC To Finally End Its Virtual Era - Pravda.Ru

BRIC To Finally End Its Virtual Era - Pravda.Ru

North Korea's Kim Makes Powerful Juche Step as Pyongyang Suffocates - Pravda.Ru

North Korea's Kim Makes Powerful Juche Step as Pyongyang Suffocates - Pravda.Ru

'EU a disaster, illegal state built on false principles'

Why leadership in the world matters

Why leadership in the world matters: "Al Jazeera Blogs"

Wallenpaupack schools enrollment down - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

Wallenpaupack schools enrollment down - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

Monday, August 23, 2010



Tim Seretis

1821 Hemlock Farms, Hawley, PA 18428



To free people from unjust taxes: cancel the public debts

Petition 2010

To the House and Senate

We, the undersigned residents of the United States, draw the attention of the House and Senate:

THAT the United States is
overburdened with unpayable national debt that grow seach year with compound interest;

THAT the true debt of the Federal Government has already been reimbursed many times over by the interest that it has paid.

THEREFORE, your petitioners call upon the House and Senate to enact legislation asking:

  1. To take the means to cancel, for the Year 2010, the unpayable national debt, which is the cause of the high taxes and poverty of the people.
  2. To stop borrowing money from the Bankers or financial institutions, and create, itself, interest free, the money needed for the country, as the United States Constitution gives it the right and duty to do.


    Signatures                               Addresses                         Municipalities
















Hostages die in Manila bus siege

Russia Develops Military Airborne Laser System - Pravda.Ru

Russia Develops Military Airborne Laser System - Pravda.Ru

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

PJTV: Andrew Klavan asks, 'Is Barack Obama Jesus Christ?'


EVACUATE NOW!: This is Not a Drill

EVACUATE NOW!: This is Not a Drill

Celtic Woman - O America

MEMRI: PFLP-General Command Leader Ahmad Jibril: Our Battle Is Against the Oppressive and Arrogant Forces of the West, "Not with a Group of Jews"

MEMRI: PFLP-General Command Leader Ahmad Jibril: Our Battle Is Against the Oppressive and Arrogant Forces of the West, "Not with a Group of Jews"

Pentagon warning over China military build-up

Pentagon warning over China military build-up

Iran says to unveil array of weapons next week

Iran says to unveil array of weapons next week

'Obama won't hit Iranian reactor'

'Obama won't hit Iranian reactor'

USA Slaps Turkey for Being Disobedient Friend - Pravda.Ru

USA Slaps Turkey for Being Disobedient Friend - Pravda.Ru

ACTUAL FOOTAGE Pastor Beaten Tased by Border Patrol DPS (Alex Jones) GIV...

Pastor acquitted in Interstate 8 checkpoint incident, anderson, charges, patrol - News - YumaSun

Pastor acquitted in Interstate 8 checkpoint incident, anderson, charges, patrol - News - YumaSun

Thursday, August 12, 2010

MEMRI: Gaza Lingerie Shopkeepers Complain about Hamas Ban on Displaying "Immodest" Mannequins

MEMRI: Gaza Lingerie Shopkeepers Complain about Hamas Ban on Displaying "Immodest" Mannequins

MEMRI: Director of Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Ismail Serageldin: Egypt Should Strive to Equal the Scientific Achievements of Iran and Turkey, But Israel Is Far More Advanced

MEMRI: Director of Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Ismail Serageldin: Egypt Should Strive to Equal the Scientific Achievements of Iran and Turkey, But Israel Is Far More Advanced

MEMRI: Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Arifi: The Desire to Shed Blood, Smash Skulls, and Sever Limbs for the Sake of Allah Is an Honor for the Believer

MEMRI: Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Arifi: The Desire to Shed Blood, Smash Skulls, and Sever Limbs for the Sake of Allah Is an Honor for the Believer

MEMRI: Egyptian Cleric Ramadhan Labib: Polygamy for the Sake of Satisfying One's Sexual Appetite Is Allowed

MEMRI: Egyptian Cleric Ramadhan Labib: Polygamy for the Sake of Satisfying One's Sexual Appetite Is Allowed

Dinosaurs found on Papua New Guinea - Pravda.Ru

Dinosaurs found on Papua New Guinea - Pravda.Ru

Iran stoning woman 'tortured' before TV 'confession'

Iran stoning woman 'tortured' before TV 'confession'

Top NY Democrats, but few House colleagues, turn out for Charles Rangel fundraising 80th birthday party -

Top NY Democrats, but few House colleagues, turn out for Charles Rangel fundraising 80th birthday party -

Thrill rides excite Wayne County fairgoers - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

Thrill rides excite Wayne County fairgoers - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Humanity - The efficient killers.

Twisted Sister - Were Not Gona Take It

Obama = Fraud, Puppet, Loser, WANKER!

The Bilderberg Group: The basics

CIVIL WAR 21st CENTURY-Guns N' Roses

Conflict , The Ungovernable Force

2012 for Dumbies

Criminal Rothschilds

The Money That Is Sold Abroad Is You!

How to create an Angry American

BREAKING NEWS: Alert declared at Susquehanna nuclear plant - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

BREAKING NEWS: Alert declared at Susquehanna nuclear plant - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

Dollar Will Weaken, 3 Sectors Will Rule: Strategists

Dollar Will Weaken, 3 Sectors Will Rule: Strategists

600,000 Workers Drop Dead Every Year From Overwork In China’s Factories

600,000 Workers Drop Dead Every Year From Overwork In China’s Factories

A Plea for Freedom

A Plea for Freedom

Webster Tarpley: Iran War On Multiple Fronts

Webster Tarpley: Iran War On Multiple Fronts

PHOTO GALLERIES: Days at the County Fair - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

PHOTO GALLERIES: Days at the County Fair - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

MEMRI: Muhammad Dabbah, Secretary-General of Palestinian Communist Party: Our Main Enemy Is "The Filthy, Criminal, Despicable U.S. and British Imperialism"

MEMRI: Muhammad Dabbah, Secretary-General of Palestinian Communist Party: Our Main Enemy Is "The Filthy, Criminal, Despicable U.S. and British Imperialism"

MEMRI: French Imam Sheik Hassen Chalghoumi in Support of the French Ban on the Niqab: "As Muslims, It Is Our Duty to Blend into French Society"

MEMRI: French Imam Sheik Hassen Chalghoumi in Support of the French Ban on the Niqab: "As Muslims, It Is Our Duty to Blend into French Society"

MEMRITV - The Middle East Media Research Institute

MEMRITV - The Middle East Media Research Institute

MEMRI: Syrian Political Analyst Ahmad Sawwan Supports Syrian Ban on the Niqab in Universities: Such Darkness Is Perilous to Syrian Social Structure

MEMRI: Syrian Political Analyst Ahmad Sawwan Supports Syrian Ban on the Niqab in Universities: Such Darkness Is Perilous to Syrian Social Structure

MEMRI: Hamza Mansour, Secretary-General of the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood: "The Role of the Jordanians Is One of Blood and Martyrdom... The Time for Us to Play Our Role Is Drawing Near"

MEMRI: Hamza Mansour, Secretary-General of the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood: "The Role of the Jordanians Is One of Blood and Martyrdom... The Time for Us to Play Our Role Is Drawing Near"

China push for landslide survivors - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

China push for landslide survivors - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

The Horrific Derivatives Bubble That Could One Day Destroy The Entire World Financial System - Pravda.Ru

The Horrific Derivatives Bubble That Could One Day Destroy The Entire World Financial System - Pravda.Ru - Sen. DeMint: Ratifying U.N. Children’s Rights Treaty Would Turn Parental Rights ‘Over to International Community’ - Sen. DeMint: Ratifying U.N. Children’s Rights Treaty Would Turn Parental Rights ‘Over to International Community’

Cops Smash Window, Drag Man Out of Car for Not Wearing Seatbelt

Cops Smash Window, Drag Man Out of Car for Not Wearing Seatbelt

Fed set to downgrade outlook for US

Fed set to downgrade outlook for US

Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama’s Political Dynasty Crashes And Burns

Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama’s Political Dynasty Crashes And Burns

Kentucky Dem Operative Busted Trying to Discredit Rand Paul

Kentucky Dem Operative Busted Trying to Discredit Rand Paul

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Romer To Leave White House - Hotline On Call

Romer To Leave White House - Hotline On Call

What Would Happen If America saw this

Why Resistance Is Essential

22 Statistics About America's Coming Pension Crisis That Will Make You Lose Sleep At Night - Pravda.Ru

22 Statistics About America's Coming Pension Crisis That Will Make You Lose Sleep At Night - Pravda.Ru

Iran Attack Would Be Airborne, Followed By “Velvet Revolution”

Iran Attack Would Be Airborne, Followed By “Velvet Revolution”

CNN’s bad news for Obama: 6 of 10 doubt U.S. birth story

CNN’s bad news for Obama: 6 of 10 doubt U.S. birth story

Should Videotaping the Police Really Be a Crime?

Should Videotaping the Police Really Be a Crime?

Bald Eagle found dead in Hawley - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

Bald Eagle found dead in Hawley - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent


Hey Tim,

This is something I have to get off my chest.

As a voter and a tax payer, I'd just like to say how happy I am to see my fellow Americans talking about politics and voting. I haven't seen or heard this much political discussion since the first time Bill Clinton ran for office. We all want change, however that is usually what we have left in our pockets after someone, anyone gets into office. We all want programs to fix this or that but we forget who is going to have to pay for them. The taxpayer. And not just any taxpayer, the middle class smuck who gets up everyday and goes to a job they hate to work for a company they can't stand but they do this because it is their "American Dream". So why has it turned into a night mare for so many of us? Because, as previously stated, we all want change.

We have allowed ourselves to become sheep led to slaughter so to speak. We have allowed our desire for programs to help us to override our common sense. With respect to the current administration, this is not a problem that they have created. But is not from the previous administration either. This has been years in the making. I will never forget when President Reagan deregulated everything. I said to my step-father that it was a good thing that the President did, right? And I will never forget his answer, "now yes, but years from now. I don't think so." Don't you hate it when your folks are right?

People, whether you like it or not you need rules of some kind. If you don't believe me, try an experiment with your children. Take away all and any rules for a couple of hours and let me know whether your house is still standing. I'm not saying we need to go crazy with the rules but think about this for a minute; at one time there were twenty-five drug companies in this country, now there is what three or four and that is why the prescriptions are so expensive, no competition. Same principle with the airlines. Take away the rules and the game gets played on whole different level.

I think that this is how the health care industry got out of whack. I don't think the American public wanted a government ran health care but rather, wanted the health insurance companies regulated better and not to decide their course of treatment but their doctor to determine that. My doctor should determine how long I stay in a hospital for treatment or post op care not some guy in a suit who has no idea my medical history but goes by a chart that says the "average recovery time is....."

The same needs to apply to the energy companies. 30% rate increases because they are now deregulated WTF. Which brings me back to the middle class smuck. Who will pay my bills when I'm broke because I had to cover the cost for all the new programs for everything else? Companies are crying about the economy and using the poor state it is in to forgo raises for the hard working American. The point is everything is going up except our pay and we have to rob Peter to pay Paul and what do we do when Peter wants his money? Will I get a bail out like the banks and the auto companies. But, again isn't that free enterprise; some companies succeed and some go under?

Part of the problem is that there is no industry in this country anymore. The excuse is that it would cost too much to manufacture here. Really, did you folks miss the pet food recalls, the clothing recalls and my favorite, the baby formula recall? These are products that were made elsewhere that had something in them that were in "unacceptable levels" whatever the hell that means. So you tell me how much did these companies save by going outside this Great Nation to get these for mentioned products made? More importantly how much did these recalls cost them? Make this country productive again by putting the American worker to work in the American factories. Better yet, let's put the trains back to work. that is one way to create jobs. Someone needs to lay the new track and maintain them. We will still need trucks to haul the items to and from the rail yards to their destinations. That is just one example of using some common sense. I'm sure more of you can come up with other ideas.

Folks, remember the old adage, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Also, if you would like to have the Government take care of you, be prepared to give up a few things we take for granted. Most important, our FREEDOM!

Thanks for reading Tim. And yes you may put this on your blog if you would like.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Political Economy 101

Political Economy 101

MEMRI: Top Hizbullah Official in South Lebanon Nabil Qaouq: The Resistance Is Using This Period to Train and Strengthen Its Capabilities and Is Preparing for the Great Confrontation

MEMRI: Top Hizbullah Official in South Lebanon Nabil Qaouq: The Resistance Is Using This Period to Train and Strengthen Its Capabilities and Is Preparing for the Great Confrontation

MEMRI: Al-Faraeen TV Owner Tawfiq Okasha Quotes Hitler: "Give Me the Weapons and Brains of Germany, along with the Soldiers of Egypt, and I Will Completely Rule the World"

MEMRI: Al-Faraeen TV Owner Tawfiq Okasha Quotes Hitler: "Give Me the Weapons and Brains of Germany, along with the Soldiers of Egypt, and I Will Completely Rule the World"

MEMRI: Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al Criticizes Arab Endorsement of Palestinian-Israeli Negotiations and Reiterates: "We Will Adhere to Jihad, to the Resistance, and to the Gun"

MEMRI: Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al Criticizes Arab Endorsement of Palestinian-Israeli Negotiations and Reiterates: "We Will Adhere to Jihad, to the Resistance, and to the Gun"

Texas leads push towards wind power - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Texas leads push towards wind power - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Key Components Of America’s Military Are Now Dominated By A Chinese Monopoly

Key Components Of America’s Military Are Now Dominated By A Chinese Monopoly

USDA Reports Food Shortages: Wall Street ‘Caught Off Guard’ by Severity

USDA Reports Food Shortages: Wall Street ‘Caught Off Guard’ by Severity

Intel Experts Warn Obama Israel May Bomb Iran This Month

Intel Experts Warn Obama Israel May Bomb Iran This Month

Brazil: Snow? - Pravda.Ru

Brazil: Snow? - Pravda.Ru

Prop C passes overwhelmingly

Prop C passes overwhelmingly

Kagan's Alarming Record: Military, Guns, Abortion, Immigration

Katie Couric RAW: Leaked footage of Couric Making Fun of Sarah Palin (FULL)


  China issued a warning on Tuesday night that it stands ready for any "type of war" with the United States in the   aftermath of ...