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Thursday, September 30, 2010

O etera asmata

O etera asmata

The Lone Ranger Opening Theme Song



MEMRI: Iraqi Politician in Exile Mish'an Jabouri Slams Gulf Governments and Media for Permitting Anti-Shiite Incitement on TV

MEMRI: Iraqi Politician in Exile Mish'an Jabouri Slams Gulf Governments and Media for Permitting Anti-Shiite Incitement on TV

MEMRI: Sheik of Al-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb Draws Comparison between Bloody Crusades and Western Colonialism; "If Not for Islam, Europe Would Have Remained in Total Darkness"

MEMRI: Sheik of Al-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb Draws Comparison between Bloody Crusades and Western Colonialism; "If Not for Islam, Europe Would Have Remained in Total Darkness"

MEMRI: Palestinian Relief Official Mustafa Barghouti: Some Countries and Companies Dump Their Medical Waste in Palestinian Lands

MEMRI: Palestinian Relief Official Mustafa Barghouti: Some Countries and Companies Dump Their Medical Waste in Palestinian Lands

MEMRI: IRGC Navy Commander Admiral Ali Fadavi: If the Americans Violate Iranian Territorial Waters "Even If Only by a Few Centimeters," We Will "Confront Them Forcefully"

MEMRI: IRGC Navy Commander Admiral Ali Fadavi: If the Americans Violate Iranian Territorial Waters "Even If Only by a Few Centimeters," We Will "Confront Them Forcefully"

Al-Qaeda displays French hostages - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Al-Qaeda displays French hostages - Africa - Al Jazeera English

US Is 'Practically Owned' by China: Analyst - CNBC

US Is 'Practically Owned' by China: Analyst - CNBC

Radovan Karadzic: Hero or criminal? - English

Radovan Karadzic: Hero or criminal? - English


Nineteen people arrested in UK for hacking thousands of bank accounts - English

Nineteen people arrested in UK for hacking thousands of bank accounts - English

New Jersey takes a gamble in shutting big football pool -

New Jersey takes a gamble in shutting big football pool -

Austerity on Fire: Video of street battles in Spain as protests heat up

Nicole remnants rip region - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

Nicole remnants rip region - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

DIVIDE AND BE CONQUERED - This is exactly what is happening today in the...


The Sunset of the State

General Kim is likely N Korea heir - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

General Kim is likely N Korea heir - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

MEMRI: Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya: Jihad Is the Strategic Option of this Nation

MEMRI: Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya: Jihad Is the Strategic Option of this Nation

MEMRI: Gaza Man Who "Spawned" Hundreds of Offsprings: It Is Fun to Have So Many Wives

MEMRI: Gaza Man Who "Spawned" Hundreds of Offsprings: It Is Fun to Have So Many Wives

MEMRI: Egyptian Islamic Scholar Dr. Suad Saleh: Women Should Not Wear Bathing Suits

MEMRI: Egyptian Islamic Scholar Dr. Suad Saleh: Women Should Not Wear Bathing Suits

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: Cyber Storm III uses Internet to attack itself

Federal News Radio 1500 AM: Cyber Storm III uses Internet to attack itself

President Carter hospitalized after landing in Cleveland for book signing

President Carter hospitalized after landing in Cleveland for book signing

Strong earthquake strikes southern Iran - English

Strong earthquake strikes southern Iran - English



Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Bloodline of the Antichrist 1/8

Obama Mocks & Attacks Jesus Christ And The Bible / Video / Obama Is Not ...

Καζαντζίδης - Ο ψαράς



Mount Athos 1

MEMRI: Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya Salutes "the Heroic Iraqi Resistance" and States: US Enterprise in the Region Has Began to Crumble

MEMRI: Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya Salutes "the Heroic Iraqi Resistance" and States: US Enterprise in the Region Has Began to Crumble

MEMRI: Tunisian Psychotherapist Dr. Radhwa Farghali: Women in Arab Society Are Treated as Minors

MEMRI: Tunisian Psychotherapist Dr. Radhwa Farghali: Women in Arab Society Are Treated as Minors

MEMRI: Former Empress of Iran Farah Diba Pahlavi Criticizes Regime, but Opposes Military Attack: I Don't Want Iran to Be Destroyed

MEMRI: Former Empress of Iran Farah Diba Pahlavi Criticizes Regime, but Opposes Military Attack: I Don't Want Iran to Be Destroyed

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Abbott and Costello Show ~ The Dentist Office (part 1)

Alfred the Astrologer from 1989

Andrew Klavan: A Young Person's Guide to the United States Constitution

Andrew Klavan: Does Islam Suck?

MEMRI: PA Minister of Religious Endowments Mahmoud Habbash Casts Doubt on Whether Muslims Carried Out 9/11

MEMRI: PA Minister of Religious Endowments Mahmoud Habbash Casts Doubt on Whether Muslims Carried Out 9/11

MEMRI: Hamas Leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: Our Enterprise Extends Far Beyond Palestine - to the Entire World

MEMRI: Hamas Leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: Our Enterprise Extends Far Beyond Palestine - to the Entire World

MEMRI: Hamas PLC Speaker Ahmad Bahr: 2.5 Million Virgins Await the Prophets, the Righteous, and the Martyrs in a Single Palace in the Garden of Eden

MEMRI: Hamas PLC Speaker Ahmad Bahr: 2.5 Million Virgins Await the Prophets, the Righteous, and the Martyrs in a Single Palace in the Garden of Eden

Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program |

Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program |

Police seek credit card thief - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

Police seek credit card thief - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

America fed up with Europe? - English

America fed up with Europe? - English

Thursday, September 9, 2010

THE FALL OF AMERICA part 1 of 31

MEMRI: PA Minister of Religious Endowments Mahmoud Habbash Accuses Iran of Responsibility for Hamas Terror Attacks, and Insinuates that Hamas Leader Mash'al Is Guilty of Heresy

MEMRI: PA Minister of Religious Endowments Mahmoud Habbash Accuses Iran of Responsibility for Hamas Terror Attacks, and Insinuates that Hamas Leader Mash'al Is Guilty of Heresy

MEMRI: Lebanese Islamic Judge Sheik Zakariya Ghandour: The Only Religion the Jews Understand is "a Weapon or Rod Landing on Their Heads"

MEMRI: Lebanese Islamic Judge Sheik Zakariya Ghandour: The Only Religion the Jews Understand is "a Weapon or Rod Landing on Their Heads"

MEMRI: Lebanese Shiite Scholar Muhammad Hasan Al-Amin Calls for Separation of Religion and State, and Says: "Our Future Lies with Europe"

MEMRI: Lebanese Shiite Scholar Muhammad Hasan Al-Amin Calls for Separation of Religion and State, and Says: "Our Future Lies with Europe"

MEMRI: Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al: The "Catastrophic Results" of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations "Will Affect the Interests and Security of Jordan and Egypt"

MEMRI: Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al: The "Catastrophic Results" of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations "Will Affect the Interests and Security of Jordan and Egypt"

MEMRI: Egyptian Cleric Sa'd Arafat: Islam Permits Wife Beating Only When She Refuses to Have Sex with Her Husband

MEMRI: Egyptian Cleric Sa'd Arafat: Islam Permits Wife Beating Only When She Refuses to Have Sex with Her Husband

MEMRI: Hamas TV Cartoon Depicts Koran-Based Story of Jews Being Transformed into Apes

MEMRI: Hamas TV Cartoon Depicts Koran-Based Story of Jews Being Transformed into Apes

Where is the media on this?

Dems Breaking With Obama's Economic Plan - Hotline On Call

Dems Breaking With Obama's Economic Plan - Hotline On Call

Vatican Says Koran Buring Would Be 'Outrageous'

Vatican Says Koran Buring Would Be 'Outrageous'

Where is the outcty from the Vatican and the rest of the world when Muslims desecrate Christian Churches in the name of Allah, behead Christians in the name of Allah, burn or even urinate on bibles in the name of Allah? According to the Muslim world we Christians are infidels!


  China issued a warning on Tuesday night that it stands ready for any "type of war" with the United States in the   aftermath of ...