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Monday, February 28, 2011

Deep Integration: "Perimeter Security" and the Future of North American Integration

Deep Integration: "Perimeter Security" and the Future of North American Integration

MEMRI: Libyan TV Host Hala Masrati Justifies Libyan Interrogators Who Tortured Her with Electric Shocks and States: Mu’ammar Al-Qadhadi Is Above Criticism

MEMRI: Libyan TV Host Hala Masrati Justifies Libyan Interrogators Who Tortured Her with Electric Shocks and States: Mu’ammar Al-Qadhadi Is Above Criticism

MEMRI: "Lebanese Brigades" Pledge to Take Over Tel Aviv If Nasrallah So Commands

MEMRI: "Lebanese Brigades" Pledge to Take Over Tel Aviv If Nasrallah So Commands

MEMRI: Libyan Leader Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi Addresses Supporters in Tripoli, Saying "Libya Is the Leader of the World" and Calling to "Sing! Dance! Rejoice! Be Happy!"

MEMRI: Libyan Leader Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi Addresses Supporters in Tripoli, Saying "Libya Is the Leader of the World" and Calling to "Sing! Dance! Rejoice! Be Happy!"

MEMRI: Lebanese MP Dori Chamoun Ridicules Hassan Nasrallah's Threat to Take Over the Galilee

MEMRI: Lebanese MP Dori Chamoun Ridicules Hassan Nasrallah's Threat to Take Over the Galilee

MEMRI: Muhammad Al-Senussi, Self-Proclaimed Crown Prince of Libya, Calls Upon the International Community to "Stop the Massacre" in His Country

MEMRI: Muhammad Al-Senussi, Self-Proclaimed Crown Prince of Libya, Calls Upon the International Community to "Stop the Massacre" in His Country

Interim Libyan government wins support

Thursday, February 24, 2011

MEMRI: Aesha Al-Qadhafi, Daughter of Libyan Leader: "I Am an Ambassador of Goodwill – With or Without the UN"

MEMRI: Aesha Al-Qadhafi, Daughter of Libyan Leader: "I Am an Ambassador of Goodwill – With or Without the UN"

MEMRI: Kamal Al-Hilbawi, Former Spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood Says He Hopes the Arab and Islamic Regimes Will Follow the Model of Iran

MEMRI: Kamal Al-Hilbawi, Former Spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood Says He Hopes the Arab and Islamic Regimes Will Follow the Model of Iran

MEMRI: Members of Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces Explain Why Iranian Warships Were Allowed to Pass through the Suez Canal, and Say: Mubarak Has No Immunity

MEMRI: Members of Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces Explain Why Iranian Warships Were Allowed to Pass through the Suez Canal, and Say: Mubarak Has No Immunity

"Future War with China"?: New US Bomber Aimed at China?

"Future War with China"?: New US Bomber Aimed at China?

Report: NATO may attack Libya if violence continues - Israel News, Ynetnews

Report: NATO may attack Libya if violence continues - Israel News, Ynetnews

Oil Prices: Oil Settles Near $97 on Rumors Gaddafi Shot - CNBC

Oil Prices: Oil Settles Near $97 on Rumors Gaddafi Shot - CNBC

Dr. Bob Bowman: Star Wars Scientist - Coming to March 2011

Cold, Snow To Put Icy Grip On Bay Area Starting Thursday Evening « CBS San Francisco

Cold, Snow To Put Icy Grip On Bay Area Starting Thursday Evening « CBS San Francisco

Libya Placed Billions of Dollars at US Banks: WikiLeaks - CNBC

Libya Placed Billions of Dollars at US Banks: WikiLeaks - CNBC

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The U.S. as National Security State

The U.S. as National Security State

War, Martial Law, and the Economic Crisis

War, Martial Law, and the Economic Crisis

MEMRI: Egyptian Children's TV Show: We Must Liberate Jerusalem from the Hands of "the Disgusting Jews"

MEMRI: Egyptian Children's TV Show: We Must Liberate Jerusalem from the Hands of "the Disgusting Jews"

The civility of the Muslims!

Public Defender alleges DA withheld evidence - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

Public Defender alleges DA withheld evidence - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

Over the last 3 years I have worked with the DAs office on many cases and I can state proudly, that they are professional and thourough, and adhere to the law. As for attorney Scott Bennett, I dealt with him as well and I can state from a personal and professional level, he has no regard for the victims. His belief is that the bad guys should have more rights and that their background, (bad upbringing), should be the focus and not the person or business that has been victimized. When he ran for Distric Judge in Wayne County, I was out the making people aware of this and should he have won the seat, it would have been a bad thing for those who where victims and great for those that committ crimes!

Rob Peter, pay Paul: Will cash-strapped Europe pay for Arab democracies?

Obama Condemns Violence in Libya: 'The Entire World is Watching'

Grad rockets fired at Be'er Sheva for first time since Gaza war - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Grad rockets fired at Be'er Sheva for first time since Gaza war - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News


Greek Ships to Take Chinese, Europeans from Libya

Greek Ships to Take Chinese, Europeans from Libya

Economists Warn Greece May Have to Quit Euro

Economists Warn Greece May Have to Quit Euro

A Day of Rage in Greece, Protesters Clash with Police

A Day of Rage in Greece, Protesters Clash with Police

EUobserver / Libya replete with EU arms as Gaddafi massacres protesters

EUobserver / Libya replete with EU arms as Gaddafi massacres protesters

Libya Protests - Italy Says 1,000 People Were Killed in Protests in Libya - CNBC

Libya Protests - Italy Says 1,000 People Were Killed in Protests in Libya - CNBC

CNBC's Fast Money: Saudi Arabia Uprising Could Mean $140-Plus Oil - CNBC

CNBC's Fast Money: Saudi Arabia Uprising Could Mean $140-Plus Oil - CNBC

Thursday, February 17, 2011

MEMRI: Libyan Leader Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi Expounds on His Color Theory: White (the West) Is Trying to Wipe Out Red (Communism), Green (Islam) and Yellow (Buddhism, Confucianism, and Hinduism)

MEMRI: Libyan Leader Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi Expounds on His Color Theory: White (the West) Is Trying to Wipe Out Red (Communism), Green (Islam) and Yellow (Buddhism, Confucianism, and Hinduism)

MEMRI: Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: Be Prepared for the Day When You Are Called Upon "to Liberate the Galilee"

MEMRI: Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah: Be Prepared for the Day When You Are Called Upon "to Liberate the Galilee"

MEMRI: Muslim Brotherhood-Affiliated TV Clerics Launch Campaign to Replace Egypt's Religious Leadership

MEMRI: Muslim Brotherhood-Affiliated TV Clerics Launch Campaign to Replace Egypt's Religious Leadership

MEMRI: Iranian Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami Accuses America and the Zionists of Being the "Real Instigators" of the Riots and Calls to Deal with Oppositionists "Harshly and in a Legal Manner"

MEMRI: Iranian Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami Accuses America and the Zionists of Being the "Real Instigators" of the Riots and Calls to Deal with Oppositionists "Harshly and in a Legal Manner"

MEMRI: Fatah Spokesman in Europe Jamal Nazzal: PLO Killed More Israeli Soldiers in Lebanon in 1982 than Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hizbullah Killed in 30 Years

MEMRI: Fatah Spokesman in Europe Jamal Nazzal: PLO Killed More Israeli Soldiers in Lebanon in 1982 than Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hizbullah Killed in 30 Years

MEMRI: Jordanian Islamist Zaki Bin Rashid Calls for the Assassination of PA President Mahmoud Abbas by Palestinians

MEMRI: Jordanian Islamist Zaki Bin Rashid Calls for the Assassination of PA President Mahmoud Abbas by Palestinians

MEMRI: Iranian TV: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Is a Zionist who "Offered a Prize for Israelis who Kill Palestinians"

MEMRI: Iranian TV: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Is a Zionist who "Offered a Prize for Israelis who Kill Palestinians"

Restoring Economic Sovereignty: The Push for State-owned Banks

Restoring Economic Sovereignty: The Push for State-owned Banks

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


For five years I was a loyal Wal-Mart associate, with exceeds expectations on my evaluation. People would call me Mr. Wal-Mart because I was motivated and eager to do what was needed to make the store I was, Honesdale, PA, number 2480, succeed and be the best, and I did just that as an hourly supervisor for security. But my loyalty and faith in Wal-Mart came crashing down on December 21, 2010, as I realized that loyalty, integrity, values, morals and honesty, mean nothing to some people in higher position, and those in higher position tend to make up issues and demonize someone that thinks and asks questions.
On December 21, 2010, I was fired by my higher ups, and they accused me of various things that I knew were not true, and their main argument was that I investigated one of their own.
Yes I did investigate. I was instrumental in having a higher up arrested for having a small operation as he stole, and had a few females stealing with him as well, and I also investigated another higher up for unethical behavior. Again, I was an hourly supervisor in charge of security, so investigating issues was my job. and in fact I had an E-mail stating that I needed to have more internal investigations, meaning look for workers that do something wrong and pursue until termination. But when those higher ups that wanted to pursue investigation, felt they were immune and when I investigated them, I became a bad guy and they retaliated against me in a witch hunt, and lied and dragged my name in mud as they made up false stories about me, and on December 21, 2010 I was fired.
I pursued this and contacted Wal-Mart and presented my case, and after along investigation that ended on January 31, 2011, I was vindicated. The investigation that Wal-Mart did proved that I was wrongfully fired, and retaliated, and to quote the regional human resource manager, which I have on tape, "they corrected a wrong doen to me".
Wal-Mart will re-instate me but more issues have come forth. My higher ups that fired me, did not take in consideration that the investigation was on, and they did something they should not have, and hired someone else in my position, so that is now forcing me to another store. Those that wrongfully fired me and retaliated against me, are still there and not even a slap in the hand and not even an apology. Basically Wal-Mart is saying, "sorry, we did a wrong, so now you can have your job back". Where is the accountability?
The stress and aggravation that I had to endure, especially during Christmas weekend and for the whole month of January, can't be described by mere words. The stress and aggravation my wife had to endure, can't be described. Knowing I was attacked and retaliated by those that were my supervisors, and thought I can trust, caused me to get scik and depressed. But what is really sickening, is that I have no case to go after Wal-Mart, and they got away with not even a scratch.
I contacted many attorneys, and they all stated there is nothing that I can do and just be thankful I got my job back. You see, the State of Pennsylvania does not protect its workers. There is no law that protects me or others in similar situations, and Wal-Mart, and other corporations know that and abuse their workers. The best analogy I can give is this. How many remember the movie Moses? The workers know the job market is scarce, and Wal-Mart knows this and takes advantage of this. In Pennsylvania, you work as is. You can get fired just for wearing the wrong cologne or perfume, and if higher ups do not like the scent, they can just fire you, but in my case where I was pr-oven that it was retaliation and wrongfully fired, I thought I might have a case, but sadly I do not, as per the various attorneys I spoke with.

SO!! Once again I am taking up a cause for truth and making people aware. I will pursue this issue regardless of the fact that no attorney wants to take on Wal-Mart. I will pursue this with the media and make people aware of what really goes on behind the big box!

Iran police confirm protest death - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Iran police confirm protest death - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

MEMRI: Lebanese Villagers: Mubarak Is Not Egyptian, His Father Was a Lebanese Monk Who Converted to Islam

MEMRI: Lebanese Villagers: Mubarak Is Not Egyptian, His Father Was a Lebanese Monk Who Converted to Islam

MEMRI: Egypt Uprising: Egyptian TV Host Amr Adib Mocks Iranian Leader Khamenei for Interfering in Egypt's Internal Affairs

MEMRI: Egypt Uprising: Egyptian TV Host Amr Adib Mocks Iranian Leader Khamenei for Interfering in Egypt's Internal Affairs

MEMRI: Egypt Uprising: Egyptian Opposition Leader and President Sadat's Nephew Tal'at Sadat Defends Mubarak's Reputation

MEMRI: Egypt Uprising: Egyptian Opposition Leader and President Sadat's Nephew Tal'at Sadat Defends Mubarak's Reputation

MEMRI: Kamal Al-Hilbawi, Former Speaker of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Calls upon Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia to Take an Example from Iran

MEMRI: Kamal Al-Hilbawi, Former Speaker of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Calls upon Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia to Take an Example from Iran

Global Stock Exchanges Are Headed for Major Consolidation - CNBC

Global Stock Exchanges Are Headed for Major Consolidation - CNBC

Geert Wilders: The Lights Are Going Out All Over Europe (english subs)

Global Stock Exchanges Are Headed for Major Consolidation - CNBC

Global Stock Exchanges Are Headed for Major Consolidation - CNBC

Muslim Brotherhood text reveals scope of radical creed

Muslim Brotherhood text reveals scope of radical creed

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Al-Qaeda: Still on Schedule for World Domination? - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Al-Qaeda: Still on Schedule for World Domination? - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Using Greed—and Lots of Cash—to Fight Greed - CNBC

Using Greed—and Lots of Cash—to Fight Greed - CNBC

Are Americans Keeping Up With Current Events?

Are Americans Keeping Up With Current Events?

American Jewish Leaders on First Visit to Greece

American Jewish Leaders on First Visit to Greece

EUobserver / Nato's new headquarters to cost €1 billion

EUobserver / Nato's new headquarters to cost €1 billion

Mortgage scam hits two Poconos families |

Mortgage scam hits two Poconos families |

The Division of Egypt: Threats of US, Israeli, and NATO Military Intervention?

The Division of Egypt: Threats of US, Israeli, and NATO Military Intervention?

The Burying of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Report

The Burying of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Report

Egypt’s Revolution-Creative Destruction For A ‘Greater Middle East’?

Egypt’s Revolution-Creative Destruction For A ‘Greater Middle East’?

Solar "Death Ray": Power of 5000 suns!

Mandatory Arabic Classes Coming To Mansfield « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Mandatory Arabic Classes Coming To Mansfield « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Sunday, February 6, 2011

MEMRI: Retired Egyptian General Mahmoud Khalaf: Israel Is and Will Remain Egypt's Main Enemy; "In Our Hearts, We Consider the Peace Treaty to Be No More than a Piece of Paper"

MEMRI: Retired Egyptian General Mahmoud Khalaf: Israel Is and Will Remain Egypt's Main Enemy; "In Our Hearts, We Consider the Peace Treaty to Be No More than a Piece of Paper"

MEMRI: Egypt Uprising: Leading Sunni Scholar Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi Calls Upon All Young People of Egypt to Join the Revolt

MEMRI: Egypt Uprising: Leading Sunni Scholar Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi Calls Upon All Young People of Egypt to Join the Revolt

MEMRI: Iranian Leader Ali Khamenei Calls Upon Egyptian Army to Join Masses in Ousting Hosni Mubarak

MEMRI: Iranian Leader Ali Khamenei Calls Upon Egyptian Army to Join Masses in Ousting Hosni Mubarak

American Warships Heading to Egypt

American Warships Heading to Egypt

Obama invokes religious themes as 2012 campaign nears | Julie Mason | White House | Washington Examiner

Obama invokes religious themes as 2012 campaign nears | Julie Mason | White House | Washington Examiner

Thursday, February 3, 2011

MEMRI: Egypt Uprising: New Anti-American Tone on Egyptian TV – US, Iran Accused of Orchestrating Uprising; TV Host: We Will Not Have Abu Ghureib, Rapes, and American Ignorance Here

MEMRI: Egypt Uprising: New Anti-American Tone on Egyptian TV – US, Iran Accused of Orchestrating Uprising; TV Host: We Will Not Have Abu Ghureib, Rapes, and American Ignorance Here

MEMRI: Egypt Uprising: London-Based Egyptian Islamist Yasser Al-Sirri Calls to Block International Shipping in the Suez Canal and to Halt the Flow of Oil

MEMRI: Egypt Uprising: London-Based Egyptian Islamist Yasser Al-Sirri Calls to Block International Shipping in the Suez Canal and to Halt the Flow of Oil

China accuses Wal-Mart of 'deceptive prices'

China accuses Wal-Mart of 'deceptive prices'

Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis

POLICE STATE 2011: Military To Work Super Bowl In Dallas

Power outages

Egypt angst pushes oil price to $100 a barrel

An Elderly Couple’s Defiant Stand Against Armed Robber « CBS Minnesota

An Elderly Couple’s Defiant Stand Against Armed Robber « CBS Minnesota

Fox News Team Severely Beaten, Hospitalized In Cairo

Fox News Team Severely Beaten, Hospitalized In Cairo

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

T.D. Jakes 5 People In Your Life

MEMRI: Asmaa Mahfouz, Organizer of the Demonstrations in Egypt, Talks About Her Decision to Use Facebook to Take Action

MEMRI: Asmaa Mahfouz, Organizer of the Demonstrations in Egypt, Talks About Her Decision to Use Facebook to Take Action

MEMRI: Pro-Mubarak Demonstration in Cairo

MEMRI: Pro-Mubarak Demonstration in Cairo

MEMRI: Muhammad Ghanem, Muslim Brotherhood Representative in London, Calls for Civil Disobedience, Including "Halting Passage through the Suez Canal... and Preparing for War with Israel"

MEMRI: Muhammad Ghanem, Muslim Brotherhood Representative in London, Calls for Civil Disobedience, Including "Halting Passage through the Suez Canal... and Preparing for War with Israel"

MEMRI: Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmad Shafiq Agrees to Meet with Muslim Brotherhood Leader and States: This Is Not a Revolution; It Is Not Tunisia Here

MEMRI: Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmad Shafiq Agrees to Meet with Muslim Brotherhood Leader and States: This Is Not a Revolution; It Is Not Tunisia Here

The Political Economy of Global Government

The Political Economy of Global Government

Groundhog Day: Punxsutawney Phil predicts early spring - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

Groundhog Day: Punxsutawney Phil predicts early spring - Honesdale, PA - Wayne Independent

MSNBC Press Release

MSNBC Press Release

Winter Storm Update - February 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Turkish PM backs Egypt protesters - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Turkish PM backs Egypt protesters - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

The Global Awakening vs. The Internet Kill Switch - Sunday Update

Is War with Iran Inevitable?

Is War with Iran Inevitable?

IMF, warning of war, says ready to help Egypt

IMF, warning of war, says ready to help Egypt

Muslim Brotherhood: ‘Prepare Egyptians for war with Israel'

Muslim Brotherhood: ‘Prepare Egyptians for war with Israel'

Urgent, Democrats Warn Snow Levels Mean We Must Act Now!!!

'Al-Qaida on brink of using nuclear bomb'

'Al-Qaida on brink of using nuclear bomb'


It is amazing what you learn over the years when you see various animals acting is a certain way. As this storm was approaching on 2/1/2011, the deer and the turkeys were acting in a manner, like looking for shelter and getting as much food as possible. Sure enough, we got hit by the storm.


  China issued a warning on Tuesday night that it stands ready for any "type of war" with the United States in the   aftermath of ...