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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Texas Gov. Rick Perry: The Tone From This President Is Troubling

Hardly a surprise: During a recent meeting with the nation's governors, President Obama made clear his top priority, which is to make sure that the governors don't go talking out of turn or criticizing his policies in any way. Texas Gov. Rick Perry saw no reason to keep this a secret, and as you can see here, he didn't:

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I can't understand how people are blinded by what is going on. We are under attack. No, not from Russia, or China, but within. We are being attacked and destroyed from within. We have little or NO justice. The IRS being a rogue deputized bounty hunter. The dollar being slowly destroyed. Corporate big wigs, in bed with Democratic and Republican officials, whoring with each other in lust for more money for their pockets. Finaly we have the invasion from below. Hundreds of thousands of ILLEGALS invading our nation. Our nation is being destroyed from within and it is all by design. Time to VOTE everone out and start fresh.


  China issued a warning on Tuesday night that it stands ready for any "type of war" with the United States in the   aftermath of ...