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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Putin at Valdai - World Order: New Rules or a Game without Rules (FULL V...

Vladimir Putin does a rare livestream event with Russia Today and unloads upon the ‘New World Order’. With the leader of a major power unleashing upon what was once called a ‘conspiracy theory’, will Americans sit up and take notice or continue in their slumber? Fortunately, there are many who are paying attention and Putin promises to speak bluntly and to speak truthfully here within: We need some harsh and blunt conversation, we are told, as the world is rapidly changing, everyone can see it, and it’s becoming much more dangerous for us all Putin warns

Will this world that is evolving around us be a world of NEW rules, or NO rules? As long as individual liberty lives on forever, and governments across the world CORRECTLY return to their ONLY TRUE role as humanity’s subservient servants, this ‘new world’ will be a world we can ALL live peacefully within.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Zero Hedge: “They know Baghdad. They’ve lived in Baghdad,” said Lt.Col Oliver North, warning over the weekend that sources in Iraq believed ISIS was planning a “major attack” against the embassy in Baghdad. Yesterday we get some confirmation – via ISIS – that they did in fact reportedly strike the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. As Inquisitr reports, on Tuesday the Islamist militant group took credit for a mortar attack against the embassy in Baghdad. The group bragged about the attack on social media, claiming that there were likely casualties - “Four rockets strike Green Zone in #Baghdad; helicopters hovering over the Green Zone; ambulances heading that way after strikes!!” one ISIS militant noted on Twitter. As North concludes, “They are at the gates of Baghdad. They’re coming for us.”

MEMRI: Warning: Extremely Disturbing Images. Woman Stoned to Death by ISIS in Syria

MEMRI: Warning: Extremely Disturbing Images. Woman Stoned to Death by ISIS in Syria

Sunday, October 19, 2014

AMAN - "gynaikes sto timoni"


Aman- Olympic Gyros

Greece vs Germany - Eating at a Restaurant

Katerina Vrana - Taverna (in Greek)

HEIST: Who Stole the American Dream? - Trailer

On September 11, 2001, we were attacked by Muslim terrorists in order
to kill and inflict fear into the American people and the world, took place in
one day, yet sadly jobs lost due to the “ECONOMIC TERROR ATTACK” by greedy and
savage CEOs and financial entities, hiding, not in caves of Afghanistan, but
right here in our own back yard, Wall Street, has been waging a slow and steady
guerilla warfare, spread over a period of time, and affecting millions of

What happens when U.S manufacturing jobs are replaced by service jobs,
as manufacturing jobs are being moved out of the U.S to other nations, is that
our American workers are paid less in service jobs, and have to work two or
three jobs to sustain their families, just to survive. However, such U.S corporations,
their executives and the investors make unreasonable and undeserved amounts of

Cheap labor and lower costs abroad mean lower costs for the
corporations. Prices are maintained or increased here in the United States, and
the results are higher profits for the CEO terrorists, the rest of their
allies, plus all of those who are involved in manipulating stock prices and
similar depredations upon the people of the United Sates, make outrageous
amount of money. We the people pay the piper, which is the bill for these
relatively few people getting sickeningly large amounts of dollars at our

Sadly our politicians who are working with the CEO terrorists argue
that Americans now have more jobs available, in what is a service economy. Sure
there are jobs, but they are jobs that pay way less, and people have to work
two or three jobs while the basic family values are annihilated.

Our politicians who are working with the CEO terrorists argue that
Americans pay less for what they buy. Sure for the items coming in from foreign
companies, but it is not true for imported good which made or assembled by U.S
companies abroad, and sold here as American products.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

There needs to be an effective law that protects workers from bullying and harassment. Too many workers are being attacked at work feeling BOXED in.
The reason I used the term BOXED in, is due to the fact many workers all over the country work for a BIG BOX RETAILER, such as Target, WalMart, Lowes, Home Depot, K Mart, etc. and are being bullied, and harassed. Many workers feel scared and swallow all the abuse due to the fact there is no protection for them and they need their jobs to feed their families, thus they feel BOXED in!

There needs to be an effective law that protects workers from bullying and harassment. Too many workers are being attacked at work from overbearing supervisors.

Current laws only protect employees for issues as sexual harassment, gender, ethnic, etc.

I would like to pursue this because too many businesses take advantage of this and treat their workers like slaves. These employers know that the economy is bad and they know that many employees would rather take abuse because they can't find jobs. Employees need to be protected and feel they have some sort of support on their side.

I have contacted the governor's office, various State and federal officials and I will see what I can do.

Friday, October 3, 2014

MEMRI: ISIS Members React to Coalition Strikes: America Will Meet Its End Here

MEMRI: ISIS Members React to Coalition Strikes: America Will Meet Its End Here

Ths shows they have no fear of the United States
Turkey's agenda is simple and clear.  Their dream of resurrecting the Ottoman Empire and Caliphate  has been on Edrogen's agenda for a long time.  The opportunity has come now with the crisis in the Middle East and ISIS.  Turkey quietly supports ISIS, and the reason they voted for military action, is for the Army to roll through Syria and Iraq and once there they will annex the lands as they did when they illegally invaded the island of Cyprus back in 1974 and annexed half the island for themselves.  Turkey was never and will never be a friend of the West.


  China issued a warning on Tuesday night that it stands ready for any "type of war" with the United States in the   aftermath of ...