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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

In the midsts of history

With every day that passes, more and more people are becoming aware that something new, quite unusual, is happening to them and the world. They sense that events are under way which will reshape the future and carry them they know not where.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Corona virus

The WHO, not the band, world health Organization, just stated the virus is now a world wide pandemic. In my opinion this virus scare is nothing more than a political and economic chess game. There's more to this than the virus. Restructuring the world debt, eliminating the Petro dollar, creating a new currency to replace the US dollar,. So much going on.

Shutting down flights

Shutting down flights is the right move and should have been done sooner. Speaking of sooner, China should have been forth coming from the onset of the virus and not wait until it was out of control. But as far as I am concerned, this is more than just the virus.

Stock market

401Ks, mutual funds are sinking. I know I am loosing. This stock market was so over inflated and I can see a reset of the Dow at 15,000

Help the people before banks

In 2008 during the banking crisis, hundreds of billions of dollars was given to banks, and what did they do? They gave each other bonuses. Fast forward to 2020, now the government wants to bail out major companies and CEOs. Why???. Help the people instead of CEOs.


  China issued a warning on Tuesday night that it stands ready for any "type of war" with the United States in the   aftermath of ...