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Friday, March 19, 2021
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Follow Process and Procedure
I am so relieved and glad to see all the Social Justice woke liberal Democrats are so sentimental about bringing in all these ILLEGAL immigrants without any kind of processing and medical examinations. It is comforting to see that these Social Justice woke liberal Democrats are opening their hearts and homes with a huge embrace and having them stay in their homes, especially the children who have been smuggled in by the cartels. To my Liberal friends I ask you, will you open your homes to the ILLEGAL migrants? I doubt it. I doubt the rich and well to do Liberals will open their homes. All I hear is bring them here, but once here what then? Where will they go? Actions speal louder than words and all I hear is a bunch of garble. But then again, the Biden administration is putting up almost $100 million dollars to place these ILLEGALS in hotel rooms and then letting them run free in almst every state.
I don't want to hear about their plight from hardship. If they come hear with no Process and Procedure they are ILLEGALY in this country. If they come here in a LEGAL manner, following Process and Procedure, by all means welcome and yes I would open my home for the children. I would foster a child or family until they get a foot in the door of this great nation.
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