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Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Rape is a crime. When one commits a rape that person goes to jail. But why is that when an employer rapes an American worker, nothing gets done about it.
For the last few weeks we have seen in the news, and read in the papers of thousands and thousands of people losing their jobs. You have Ford motor company shutting down plants, and you have Enron going bankrupt — enough.
It is time for the people of the United States of America to wake up and say enough. It is the people who slave, sweat 50, 60, even 70 hours a week, which make these CEOs, CFOs, COOs rich and greedy. This must stop. Sure this is the land of freedom and opportunity, and if you work hard you should earn the fruits of your tolls, but there has to be a limit.
You mean to tell me that these executives that earn ten, twenty, or even more millions of dollars, can't survive by putting a million or two back into the paychecks of the people that busted their backs to make them rich?? Has greed taken over and blinded the judgments of these executives?
In the world we are looked upon as the richest country in the world. Other nations look upon us and say that America is the land of opportunities.
Did you know that out of the entire industrialized nations in the world the United States of America Is ranked second for child poverty? , That is a crying shame. There is no excuse for this.
The basic heart and soul of our country, not to mention the engine that drives it, is the stakes. The highest and most critical stakes imaginable. In a word, survival! What could be higher? Obviously nothing.

Every day I .see President George Bush making the same speech: "We must fight terrorism to protect our nation, and the world". Sure wemust protect the interests of the United States from terrorism, andfrom any disasters like the horrific attack on September 11, 2001 —but.....
We the people have been victims of economic domestic terrorism, but very few people are talking about II, and those that want to, talk about it are accused of being un-American or un-patriotic.
What Wall Street did to the economy of the United States is a terrorist action. What these corporate executives did to the various cor­porations, are terrorists. I can compare the Chairman of Enron, with the Chairman of the PLO, Yasser "the rat" Arafat. Both men led people, and managed funds, and both of these rats stole the money that was for their enterprises, for their personal selfish gains? So what Is the difference? Both of these men have a hand in the economic domestic terrorism of the United States.
Survival depends upon jobs, real Jobs making things. Not temporary or part time low wage service jobs in restaurants, retail, fast food places etc. We need real jobs and real incomes. Real jobs and real incomes are fundamental for a return to what America was about, "(the American Standard of Living". Jobs and wages are essential for revival of families, revival of values, and revival of education. Real Jobs and real living wages make for an equitable society, and a civilized culture. Real jobs, and liv­ing wages are a plus for effective attacks on crime, drugs, hunger, homelessness and the myriad other afflictions besetting us.

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