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Monday, March 16, 2009


Why are people so worried as to what will happen to terrorists in GITMO? Where will the terrorists go after we shut it down, when to solution is so simple.
The Liberal Elite Democrats, from Hollywood to Wall Street to Main Street, along with the Elite Liberal media personalities and politicians, all have extra homes and some huge mansions that sit empty most of the time, so the solution is that we place ankle bracelets on the terrorists, and place then under house arrest, using the homes of all the Elite Liberals Democrats that feel that GITMO should be closed because the terrorists are not properly detained.
Chris Mathews from MSNBC Hardball has a big mouth and always has something to say about GITMO, and how it should be shut down, so I am sure he would not mind having a fellow Elite Liberal Terrorist in his home for house arrest.
WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! Think about the consequences when GITMO gets shut down. When these Muslim Terrorists hit the United States again it will be ten times more destructive and deadly than September 11, 2001.
Is that what you want? Your son, your daughter, your wife or husband could be the next victim at the hands of these savages that have no regard for human life. Their only concern is to kill infidels, anyone non-Muslim, while blowing themselves up in order to go to ALLAH and get 72 virgins.

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