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Saturday, June 27, 2009


This thought comes from a good friend.

Here is something I want you to put on your blog.

The one thing every American of my generation and the previous generation is happening right now. Socialism. I will be the first to say that something needs to be done about our current health care system which seems to cover nothing. And without a referral you cannot get treatment for in grown toenail. People are quick to blame greed and big business and to a point they are correct.

However, the next time you wish to place blame on greed or our wonderful elected official, look in the mirror and blame yourself. The american tax-payer/voter. Why, because my friends we have gotten very complacent when it comes to anything that we think will not affect us. Guess what, it does.

People are quick to say things in regards to our founding fathers whether it be that their thoughts don't reflect the times or with interpratations of their words. I won't debate tdhose items but I will say that they had the forsight to set up things as checks and balances. Reality check, everyones' balance is off!

We have allowed things to get out of hand. There used to be a law or restriction that said monoplies were not allowed. Has anyone looked at the pharmaceutical companies? What once was something like 25 is now down to five or less. This is why persciptions are so expensive. Look at the gas prices. Not because of a war but because ther is only 2 major compaines, Texaco-Shell and ExxonMobile.

A friend once told me that free enterprise is a good thing and competition was healthy. But in order for there to be competition, the must be some one to compete with in the same business. Look at the banking industry, mortgage and yes car industry. At one point, one bank bought another and the next day, they were in turn bought by some one else. I wonder how many foreign companies now own American or have a controlling interest in an American business?

So the next time you here about some business wanting to buy another, ask yourself "how will it affect me?" I bet you'll amaze yourself with the answer.

As you and I have discussed, Tim, "we the people" are at fault.

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