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Tuesday, June 9, 2009


This Week in Congress
Your Headlines, Your Issues, Your Opinions
June 08, 2009

Health Care Reform Debate Starting to Take Shape
After months of talk, legislation reforming the nation's health care system is beginning to emerge in Congress. What's apparent is that one of the major sticking points as Congress begins to debate reform plans is whether to create a public health insurance system, similar to Medicare, that competes with private insurers.

The advantage to a public plan is that it all but guarantees health insurance coverage to every American. The drawback is that its cost is unknown at the moment, and critics say it's a step toward a government-run health care system. Possibilities for financing a public option include forcing employers to pay into a fund for public insurance, taxing workers' health care benefits as income and changing tax laws to make it more difficult for the wealthy to write off charitable contributions.

President Barack Obama and most Congressional Democrats favor creating a public insurance plan. Many Republicans are opposed.

Should Americans be guaranteed health care coverage through a government-run, taxpayer-financed program?
Tell Obama and your Senators what you think by taking our poll.
Cash for Clunkers?

While the restructuring of General Motors and Chrysler is getting most of the headlines, the auto industry is also pushing a bill, expected to hit the House floor this week, that would provide a $4,500 credit to people who trade in their old gas guzzlers for new, fuel-efficient models.

Do you support this legislation?YESNO

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