Media Logistics Advisory
September 23, 2009
The White House and State Department released to following updated logistical information and schedule for The Pittsburgh Summit 2009. This information is provided for media logistical planning purposes only. It is not for broadcast or publication.
UPDATED: The pre-set from 11:00 – 11:30 at Phipps Conservatory has been cancelled. All media should plan to arrive at Mellon Arena for security screening between 3:00 and 5:00 PM.
UPDATED: Pool Gathering Times and Locations
Note: All pools REQUIRE a yellow USSS-issued press credential and appropriate underlay for participation. Press covering the airport MUST be on the access list.
Day Event Gather Time Gather Location
Thursday Argentina and European Commission delegation arrivals at airport 8:00 AM Airport Temporary Press Center
All other delegation arrivals at airport 10:30 AM Airport Temporary Press Center
Phipps Conservatory Leader and Finance Minister Arrivals
Shuttles will depart every 20 minutes between 3:00 and 5:00 PM
Mellon Arena Screening Checkpoint
Friday Opening Plenary Spray 9:00 AM Hall B entrance, 2nd Floor
Group Photo 11:15 AM Hall B entrance, 2nd Floor
Thursday, September 24, 2009
8:00 AM
Mellon Arena screening checkpoint opens
First shuttle departs for David L. Lawrence Convention Center
International Media Center opens
All media trucks covering airport arrivals must report to the temporary press center at the airport
Media trucks begin parking at Phipps Conservatory, trucks must be parked by 8:45 AM
Media access time for press covering European Commission and Argentina airport arrivals
Logistics contact at airport:
Kamyl Bazbaz (202) 647-2681
10:00 AM
Media credential pickup opens
Location: Gate 8 Box Office, Mellon Arena
10:30 AM
Media access time for press covering all other airport arrivals.
Logistics contact at airport:
Kamyl Bazbaz (202) 647-2681
3:00 PM
First shuttle departs Mellon Arena for Phipps Conservatory
5:00 PM
Media credential pickup closes
Last shuttle departs Mellon Arena for Phipps Conservatory.
6:00 PM
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama greet arriving Heads of Delegation at Phipps Conservatory.
Secretary Geithner greets arriving Finance Ministers at Phipps Conservatory.
7:30 PM
First Lady Michelle Obama and spouses of Heads of Delegation depart Phipps Conservatory.
8:00 PM
Press area at Phipps Conservatory closes.
Media shuttles depart Phipps Conservatory for Mellon Arena
Friday, September 25, 2009
6:30 AM
Warhol Museum arrivals area open for pre-set
7:00 AM
Warhol Museum preset ends
9:00 AM
Plenary spray pool gathers in Hall B entrance.
9:30 AM
President Obama convenes opening plenary session of The Pittsburgh Summit
Plenary spray pool escorted in to plenary room for 2 minute spray.
9:45 AM
CAPA School pool assembles in West Lobby of David L. Lawrence Convention Center.
10:15 AM
CAPA School pool escorted to CAPA School
CAPA School media logistics contact:
Kate Herbek (202) 714-8569
10:00 AM
First shuttle departs Mellon Arena for Warhol Museum
Warhol Museum media logistics contact:
Josh Sargen (484) 919-1977
11:15 AM
Last shuttle departs Mellon Arena for Warhol Museum
11:45 AM
Group Photo pool assembles in Hall B
12:00 PM
Group Photo pool escorted to Group Photo riser
12:30 PM
The Pittsburgh Summit Heads of Delegation assemble for group photo
1:30 PM
Press riser at Warhol Museum closes. Press shuttles depart Warhol Museum for Mellon Arena.
2:30 PM
Main Briefing Room opens for riser placement
3:00 PM
Main Briefing Room opens for seating
4:40 PM
President Obama hosts post-summit press conference
6:00 PM
Mellon Arena screening checkpoint closes
Saturday, September 26, 2009
8:00 AM
International Media Center closes for editorial use
12:00 PM
All media must vacate the David L. Lawrence Convention Center
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Thursday, September 24, 2009
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China issued a warning on Tuesday night that it stands ready for any "type of war" with the United States in the aftermath of ...
- Ok, this is worth every MINUTE (ONLY 4) to watch this! THIS HITS IT ...
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