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Tuesday, February 2, 2010


The argument to have term limits on elected public officials is a waste of time. We the people have the power of the vote that decides who stays in and how long. We the people elect these public officials with the notion they will serve and work with us, and if someone we elected is actually doing the right thing and working for the good of the people, then he or she should be voted in as many times as long as they are doing the right thing. BUT!! If we elect a public official that has not kept his or her word, then we the people have the power of the vote, to term his or her limit in public office.
It is our fault, not the public officials. If we the people used the power of the vote the argument over term limits would not exist. We the people must be aware of what is going on and not fall asleep, and sadly some public officials take advantage of this, knowing the American people are not always awake.
Bottom line is that a public official should stay in office as long as she or he is doing the right thing, and not be sidetracked by personal or selfish interests, and should this person stray from the duties of public service for the people, then his or her term is limited. The key weapon here is “THE POWER OF THE VOTE”, we must use it before we might loose it!

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