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Sunday, May 16, 2010


Seeing all of these signs along the many roads I travel, made think of a Bugs Bunny episode. Why? I t just did. How many of you recall Bugs Bunny? If so then you remember the episode where Bugs, Duffy, and Elmer Fudd are standing in front of a tree arguing what type of hunting season it was, as they where peeling signs of the tree. "Wabbit season, Duck season, wabbit season, duck season", then all of a sudden a picture of Elmer Fudd appeared, "Elmer season", and Bugs and Duffy went after Elmer Fudd, so after seeing all of these political signs all over the various roads, some on trees, some on billboards, and some on posts, I started to laugh thinking about Bugs Bunny and Daffy and Elmer.

These politicians are off and running for the upcoming campaign season and the clutter of ugly signs have begun and will stay around long after the elections are over.

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