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Monday, March 14, 2011

I blame Wal-Mart

On Monday, March 14, 2011, around 3am while doing the safety survey and OSHA report for Wal-Mart, I felt as if someone stabbed me in the back between my shoulder blades, and I started to get dizzy and my sight became blurry. I felt like I was on a boat. I grabbed on to a rack and caught my breath, and then finished the surveys. My new boss wanted them done. I left work this morning around 4:40am and came home and tried to relax, and as you know having little ones around, that is not happening. I waited until my wife came home and then I called my doctor and told him what is going on, and he told me to go right to Wayne Memorial. I got to tell you, I was so impressed with their professionalism. They took me in asap and started to hook me up and the doctor said "WOW" 199 0ver 100, that is not good. They took blood and did all kinds of tests, and the bottom line is that my heart was giving me a wakeup call. Doctor described it like this. Heart is a muscle and muscles gets stretched and overworked and tear, and that is what is happening to me right now. He asked about my health and I told him I never had issues before and in fact my blood pressure has always been 120/70. He said this can be caused by stress and also by the nature of work I do. I told him exactly was has happened to me with Wal-Mart during the last two months and what they did and all the stress, anxiety and aggravation they put me through. Prior to that fiasco with Wal-Mart, my weight was steady at 210-215, but once they put me through all of the stress I gained over 40 pounds. The doctor shook his head in anger and disgust with what Wal-Mart did and how I am working overnights from 10pm-7am, and only having about 3 hours of sleep a day. Doctor said that the lack of sleep, the weight gained and the stress that I went through caused this and wants me to take it easy. I said to him, Wal-Mart does not care if an associate is sick or not, nor will they work with you to take of your health. Doctor stated that my life, my family, my kids and wife all depend on me and not Wal-Mart, and that I need to get myself back into shape, even if it means taking time off. I was given all sorts of medication to take and I have to follow up with my doctor with stress tests and more blood work. Who do I blame for all of this stress and anxiety? Wal-Mart. I never had any health issues before, but right after December 21, 2010, they destroyed my life and health.
It is now 9:45pm. Got home from Hospital about an hour ago and wanted to send this out right away.

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